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Import midinote, dur, amp and sustain from midi file using SimpleMIDIFile

by grirgz on 30 Dec'21 01:57 in pattern midi file mid import

There is the .p method (see but here is also a way to retrieve the values directly

magic sparkly rainbow!!!!!!<3

by daisystomper on 13 Aug'21 22:56 in scales sparkly

some scale stuff by a novice-SC lovable unicorn

Auditory Scene Analysis, a SuperCollider companion (Chapter 1)

by mjf352 on 28 Jul'21 01:36 in auditory scene analysis interactive tool auditory perception perception listening ears

This is an estimation of every audio-based experiment from "Auditory Scene Analysis, Chapter 1" in the form of SuperCollider code. The purpose is to p

Drunken Dwarf

by Melas Onos on 19 Jun'21 02:28 in noisy pbind synthdef weird

Just some weird thing made with some physical modelling gone wrong

SCTweets - 140 Character - swiki repost

by zecraum on 08 Apr'21 05:42 in sctweet sctweets tweeter swiki

140 Character Examples A popular way to share SuperCollider code is to post it to the social n

A Modular Approach To Phase Modulation

by bp on 29 Mar'21 04:37 in modular pm

In messing around with PM/FM synthesis, I had this idea to make a SynthDef that represents one individual operator in a PM synth. Then the operators a

MIDI arpeggiator demo

by wondersluyter on 06 Mar'21 05:31 in pattern arpeggio midi arpeggiator

Roughly based on the stock ableton arpeggiator behavior. A lot of variation is possible combining custom ~chordSort and ~notePat functions.

Chaos Machine

by dkam136 on 09 Dec'20 12:58 in chaos algorithmic

I've been building some tutorials for SuperCollider and just wanted to share this one I made on creating a Chaos Machine in SuperCollider. Full disclo

Eternal Elevator Ensemble

by 56228375 on 08 Dec'20 01:15 in space patterns pads generative eternal music meditation majestic calm vastness

Legend has it that on December 14th of 1287, the day that lives by the name of St. Lucia's Flood, a metalic artifact was unearthed filled with undecip

Controlling an external synth parameters with NRPN / adding LFOs

by g_montel on 23 Oct'20 10:06 in pattern midi nrpn external synth

I bought a Sequential OB-6 recently and you can control all the parameters with NRPN messages. I wanted to control these NRPN parameters with pattern

In-between, longing

by jpdrecourt on 29 Sep'20 23:04 in algorithmic composition voice electroacoustic

This is the full code of the piece "In-between, longing" posted here for reference. For a brief explanation of some of the features of the code, pleas

control patterns via control bus

by Luka P. on 02 Aug'20 21:01 in acid control busses pattern control

a learning example where you can control patterns with running ugens via control bus. acid-like.

reception: useful (1)

another primitive arpeggio sequence

by emergent on 19 Jul'20 18:24 in

trying to improve upon [my previous attempt at making an arpeggiator](

Pietro Mascagni's 'Cavalleria rusticana'

by deafwalker on 26 Jun'20 20:42 in classical orchestra fieldsteel eli fieldsteel

A SuperCollider rendition of the orchestral intermezzo from Pietro Mascagni's 'Cavalleria rusticana' by Eli FieldSteel

a very primitive arpeggiator

by emergent on 16 Jun'20 17:45 in

4 operator phase modulation synth

by david_morgan on 10 May'20 19:56 in phasemodulation fm pm

Note: you can configure more than 4 operators by changing the value of the numops variable.

simple timeline for patterns

by 56228375 on 30 Apr'20 00:20 in pattern beat timeline

simple timeline for scheduling start and stop of patterns at specific beats (and an experimental extension with absolute time scheduling)

drum sequencer to drive external midi device or software like ableton

by 56228375 on 19 Apr'20 19:03 in pattern percussion midi drum machine preset general midi drum loops

Simple drum machine in supercollider (with presets!). Even if the code is not very sophisticated, it offers some possibilities not widely available in

9/8 drum'n strings

by bernhard on 15 Apr'20 16:07 in drums pluck euclidian 98 strings persian turk gipsy

An experiment with euclidian patterns, sampled drums and synthesized strings. Inspired by middle eastern 9/8 rhythms. Replace the samples in the dicti

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