Jonatan Liljedahl

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composer, musician, software developer.

Jonatan Liljedahl's code

Many patterns controlling a single synth

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09 Oct'12 16:29 in pbindpatternswobbledubsteppmono

This is a demonstration of how several parallell patterns can be controlling a single synth.


01 Nov'11 15:47 in techno

based on tweet by Michael Winkler

auto rhythm

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16 Sep'11 13:03 in sctweetrhythmicrandomness

quantized random triggers creates a rhythm that increases in density over the first 30 seconds.

drum tweet

3 1
28 Aug'11 16:00 in drum tweetdrum tweet

variation on one of the tweets by aucotsi:

PWM crossfade

4 1
16 Aug'11 15:06 in pwmtransitioncrossfade

A demonstration of transitioning between notes in a sequence, by pulsewidth modulation.

Shaman ceremony


based on my glitch folk tweets, added handclaps and shaman drumming.

Glitch folk 4

10 Aug'11 20:17 in sctweet8bitfolk

another variation on my glitch folk tweet

Dark sea horns

5 1
10 Aug'11 18:48 in sctweetambientfeedbacknoise

phasemodulation feedback and allpass network

Rain and thunder

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09 Aug'11 22:34 in rainthundernaturesoundeffects

I tried to help a friends friend to find some suitable recording of rain and thunder on the net, but I ended up coding this up for him instead, and he was happy.

Glitch folk II

09 Aug'11 10:46 in Glitch folk IIGlitch folk II

A tweet made with mostly LFPulse

Dark ambience

09 Aug'11 10:44 in sctweetambient

PM stack tweet


A long chain of phasemodulating sinewaves, modulation amount growing for 4 minutes, ending in noise.