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SynthDef examples: hihat, snare, kick, sawSynth, with Pbind demo

by Bruno Ruviaro on 31 Oct'16 23:58 in snare kick drum musc115 scu hihat

demonstration of simple SynthDefs simulating hihat, snare, kick drum; and a sawtooth synth used both for chords and a bass line in the Pbind demonstra

Midterm Q1

by unknown on 31 Oct'16 07:53 in

Midterm Question 1

by Mason McCormack on 31 Oct'16 05:31 in

goofy sounds

by unknown on 15 Oct'16 08:49 in scu bruno 115 musc

number 10 for Quiz 4a

Sinking in the Ocean

by hwright on 14 Oct'16 20:14 in

vowel pads

by LFSaw on 12 Jun'16 01:20 in ambient pad

very simple but soothing vowel pads. requires the Vowel quark.

etude wild LC

by LFSaw on 23 May'16 10:33 in live coding

end version of the live coding session [etude wild LC](, an experimentation around the theme of [sonic

Reed synthesis

by snappizz on 22 Apr'16 03:10 in drone instrument reed harmonica melodica accordion

possible basis for harmonica, accordion, etc. adapted from an example from the SelectXFocus help file.

Re: Morphing Saw Bass

by grirgz on 14 Mar'16 22:29 in bass code fork morphing sawtooth

my hobbit: adding random arrays of LFO everywhere (bonus: a glitch i don't know where it come from)

Morphing Saw Bass

by ecbeckmann on 13 Mar'16 11:45 in bass morphing sawtooth

This is a nice morphing saw bass, that uses multi-voice detuning and stereo expansion for a nice, wide feel, as well as a decaying low pass filter ove

Performance Unit - Buffers (part 2)

by rumush on 22 Dec'15 21:20 in noise

A draft of performance setup I started working on some time ago. For now I've got simple MIDI controls and buffers that you can granularize. You can r

experiments in detecting fast onsets with Amplitude UGens

by julian.rohrhuber on 19 Dec'15 20:57 in amplitude analysis experiment trigger

A series of consecutive experiments (all results visualised as plots) that try to detect onsets in a noisy signal.

radio tunner and harmonica

by grirgz on 04 Feb'15 00:06 in

Maybe I should not post code which come directly from the SC documentation, but It's been years that I read this doc, I never listened to the code exa

Entropy - Midterm: THX Deep Note Variation (musc-115-thx)

by Jonathan Coon on 30 Oct'14 09:14 in electronic experimental supercollider code synth synthesis sound design music computer synthesizer musc115thx thx deep note thx deep note

Each of these synths is a variation of SuperCollider code that replicates the TXH Deep Note. A tutorial for replicating the THX Deep Note can be foun

Scanned Synthesis Visualisation

by Matthew Kane on 25 Feb'14 23:39 in scanned synthesis visualization

Visualization of scanned string synthesis.

reception: gui (1)scanned synthesis (1)visualization (1)

Another weird filter distortion

by wondersluyter on 21 Feb'14 07:55 in filter distortion onset detection

Distortion made by abusing the DFM1

Pulsing noise creation

by wondersluyter on 21 Feb'14 02:48 in noise filtering pulsing

From a while ago

sctweet - my first one

by dakuhop on 08 Jan'14 00:05 in tweets