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freeze playback

by LFSaw on 03 Jul'23 10:31 in playback jit freeze efx

Explore options to freeze playback of a sound file (a) by playhead movement (b) by FFT freeze


by Δ on 10 Jul'22 01:21 in

oneshot renderer

by LFSaw on 29 Jan'19 18:38 in nrt multichannel mono oneshot renderer samplepack generator

render each synthdef in a given dictionary as one-shot sound file.

El Cubito de Chuito by Roy Fernando Guzmán, 3d Sound using Liminal Spatialization System.

by Roy F Guzmán on 06 Feb'16 09:45 in 3d sound sound forms el cubito de chuito the cube

This code is using Duty UGens in order to produce a SynthDefs to spatialize sound in 3d with out creating Classes.

ScoreClock, Patterns, RT/NRT and server-side resources

by jamshark70 on 12 Nov'11 03:20 in patterns nrt nonrealtime sync

A quick demo of one way to allocate server-side resources (SynthDefs, Buffers) that works in RT/NRT with minimal modification. You'll need Jonatan

reception: informative (1)educational (1)

Pebble Beach

by 38nonprivate on 12 Aug'11 18:02 in sound effects


reception: realistic (1)