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some stuff

by tiagmoraismorgado on 01 Jan'18 14:12 in

pulsating resonance

by tiagmoraismorgado on 01 Jan'18 13:36 in

pulsating resonance

fuzzy sirens

by clarkenciel on 27 Nov'17 01:51 in

Accurate Yamaha DX-7 Emulation Using Supercollider

by egegonul on 11 Nov'17 18:45 in fm endless instrument synthesis synthesis techniques frequency modulation sound design synthesizer dx7

This project aims to emulate the Yamaha DX-7 synthesizer. It almost perfectly emulates the original DX-7 unit. Blind test between original unit and em

Movie without images

by 56228375 on 25 Jul'17 00:06 in soundscape alienating

Requires supercollider 3.9dev. (But you probably can use older versions if your replace Done.freeSelf with number 2.) All sounds are synthesised - no

forlorn brownian atmosphere

by david_morgan on 22 Jul'17 08:03 in generative

Requires sc3-plugins: DFM1, Greyhole, JPverb

When The Saints Come Crawling Out

by walters on 20 Jul'17 18:07 in percussive generative algorithmic

Submission for WESU algorithmic music show.

Xiongnu bells

by badnumbersmusic on 10 Jun'17 09:17 in bell

Makes a sort of melody out of detuned bell sounds.

Re: 808-ish Cowbell

by p.dupuis on 07 Jun'17 03:00 in percussion code fork cowbell 808

Now with a little more stick.

Crap jazz

by badnumbersmusic on 26 May'17 19:49 in jazz algorithmic

A bassline with a randomish jazz thing over the top.

Straighten Up!

by codepool on 27 Apr'17 22:17 in effect autotune pitch correction

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Add it up!

by codepool on 27 Apr'17 22:16 in oscillator

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Ceci N'est Pas Une Pipe

by codepool on 27 Apr'17 22:05 in live coding jitlib

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Scgraph sound and vision

by codepool on 27 Apr'17 22:02 in scgraph

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Scgraph sound and vision part 2

by codepool on 27 Apr'17 22:01 in scgraph

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Ambience Maker

by LFSaw on 14 Mar'17 21:58 in rain noise ambience background wind snow room tone hiss

Create (atm. constant) wind and rain. Infinite possibilities! Easily expandable! A breeze!


by tedthetrumpet on 08 Mar'17 16:05 in synths

collection of synths I'm using for livecoding as at 8/03/2017

Monophonic SynthDef Sequence

by moncrey on 14 Feb'17 17:16 in pattern sequencing mono monophonic

This was my creation as I learned how to work with PmonoArtic. Took way too long to realize "freq" and "gate" were naming conventions and I didnt need

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