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by Marty Carlton on 02 Mar'22 00:02 in filter additive synthesis lfo computer keyboard isomorphic layout

This is just a different keyboard layout for the code I found called "Operator". Thank you Alexander Lunt, wherever you might be! I changed the weird


by Alexander Lunt on 08 Nov'14 19:22 in sound effects gui melody waves synth synthesis wave synthdef additive synthesis ring modulation synthesizer user interface window

A Synthesizer similar to the Ableton Operator: Four Oscillators can be modulated and manipulated in different ways. Just evaluate the whole Code at on

Env editor with knobs to edit individual points

by grirgz on 20 Oct'13 17:59 in gui tool editor

I needed an Env editor with knobs to edit individual points. Maybe it can be useful to someone. You can zoom horizontally with shift+mouseDrag. Show a

Frequency Modulation GUI Demo 4

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:47 in fm synthesis techniques frequency modulation frequency ratio

Experiment with FM by specifying contours for Carrier Frequency, Modulation Index, and Amplitude Envelope. Also adjust duration of events. In this ver

Frequency Modulation GUI Demo 3

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:45 in gui fm synthesis techniques frequency modulation envelopes

Experiment with FM by specifying contours for Carrier Frequency, Modulator Frequency, Modulation Index, and Amplitude Envelope. You can also choose du