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Function to extract audio from youtube + example usage

by gosub on 06 Jun'24 08:11 in utility youtube rickroll

Helper function to extract audio from a youtube video, and save it to a file. Note: Linux/OSX/Unix only (uses .unixCmd), needs yt-dlp to be install

Buffer Plotter

by Dindoléon on 05 Jan'22 15:06 in gui synthesis utility plotter

This is a setup that allows you to plot a Synth() output, using a buffer. See .

Decode %hex encoded characters

by jamshark70 on 15 Oct'18 09:57 in utility string hex

A quick utility function for decoding UTF-8 characters in %hex codes (such as for web URLs). Save the code into a .sc file in your Extensions/ directo

Method help re-ordering utility

by jamshark70 on 22 Jul'16 20:34 in utility scdoc help method sort order

If you have a large class with a lot of methods, you probably want to sort the methods in the auto-generated SCDoc template into an order that's meani

'Require' class for code importing

by whillas on 30 Dec'15 01:40 in code utility infrastructure reusable

Require files in your documents and they will be loaded in if they are one of the search paths. First looks relative to the current document then tho

Sound file position selector GUI

by grirgz on 23 Nov'14 20:47 in gui buffer utility dialog selection position frames

Sometime you want to play a certain part of a sound file, but you must provide the Synthdef with the starting and ending buffer frame number. It's nic

Sound file chunks: Workaround for single-precision buffer indexing

by jamshark70 on 07 Nov'13 03:19 in buffer utility long bufrd chunks incremental

One of the common questions on the list is about handling very large sound files with BufRd. BufRd indexes into the buffer using a single-precision fl

pitch tracker utility

by defaultxr on 29 Sep'13 01:08 in utility convenience pitch pitch tracking

This is a small utility i wrote to make it easy to detect the pitch of incoming audio (i.e. your voice into your mic). I recommend binding the executi

List expander and contractor function

by moncrey on 22 Mar'13 02:43 in utility function

useful for expanding or reducing arrays by 2^x. I would like to know if there is a more concise way to write this! Any suggestions? (duplicate po