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Twin Peak Filters

by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:20 in filter formant hordijk twinpeak

Ndefs inspired by rob hordijk's twin peak filters, which can accomplish some formant-y fun


by Marty Carlton on 02 Mar'22 00:02 in filter additive synthesis lfo computer keyboard isomorphic layout

This is just a different keyboard layout for the code I found called "Operator". Thank you Alexander Lunt, wherever you might be! I changed the weird

Simple noise mixer with GUI

by pHJosef on 24 Jan'21 20:02 in noise color filter mixer eq

a simple noise eq with 10 filter bands and a gui.

bass wobbles

by Luka P. on 24 Feb'20 19:11 in bass filter moog

couple of cycles of wobbling bass (as in 'dubstep-wobble'): Saw+Squarewave through a MoogVCF filter. synthDef is 'tempo-agnostic' and there will be pr

Formant filter using the Vowel Quark

by julian.rohrhuber on 16 Aug'15 17:50 in filter vowel

A function to get the n loudest partials, or all partials louder than a threshold, for a formant filter using Klank and Vowel

Another weird filter distortion

by wondersluyter on 21 Feb'14 07:55 in filter distortion onset detection

Distortion made by abusing the DFM1

Silly Voice

by Bruno Ruviaro on 11 Nov'13 01:39 in bass filter vocal formant synthesis voice

Formant Synthesis example with a silly bass voice.


by alextiberiuskirk on 06 Nov'13 17:54 in filter grain bus brown noise

Subtractive Synthesis GUI Demo 1

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:53 in noise gui filter synthesis techniques subtractive synthesis

Graphical interface to play with subtractive synthesis. Use the 2D slider to choose filter frequency (x-axis) and filter rq (y-axis). Use the menu to

arbitrary nonlinear filter

by mesmeon on 03 Sep'12 05:13 in nonlinear filter stochastic

run first code block, then second, then third. re-run third block to randomly generate a new array of filter parameters. processes standard audio in a