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Wave Field Synthesis
by miguel.negrao on 14 Dec'12 23:41 inA simple synthdef for Wave Field Synthesis rendering.
reception: informative (1)The Muse
by mkb on 06 Sep'12 01:56 inemulator of Triadex's The Muse. Comments welcome; I've never used one of these things directly.
reception: gui (1)interesting (1)Insects
by DSastre on 16 Jul'12 17:11 inDifferent insect sounds, including field crickets, a cicada and a housefly. Based on pure data code from the book "Designing Sound" by Andy Farnell.
reception: natural (1)educational (2)awesome (1)sonic focal depth
by danstowell on 15 May'12 00:06 inTen layers of sound, all constantly running, yet only one is in "sharp focus" at any time. Move the mouse up and down to control the focal depth. b
reception: interesting (1)Abusing Convolution2 to make pitch
by jamshark70 on 01 Apr'12 02:36 inInspired by Formlet, which does something like formant synthesis by outputting short sinusoidal grains in response to impulses, I thought, what if we
by redFrik on 10 Feb'12 18:53 inworks with both qt and cocoa. i get a steady 60fps on my machine. try lowering 'l= 1024' at the top if it's too heavy on your cpu.
reception: useful (1)awesome (1)timesink (1)asylum appearance
by vividsnow on 13 Dec'11 21:28 inlunatic asylum band during moon eclipse p.s. slightly different sounding on each run )
reception: metallic (1)percussive (1)electrobells (1)poor man's panning
by telephon on 23 Sep'11 20:58 inIf you are too poor to afford changing the amplitudes of a stereo signal, just let the channels wait. But the signal frequency is an impasse that is t
reception: interesting (1)Guitar feedback emulation
by nathanielvirgo on 26 Aug'11 14:35 inA simulation of holding an electric guitar up to the amplifier, creating feedback. Press the mouse button to activate the whammy bar :)
Feedback resonator
by 38nonprivate on 12 Aug'11 19:07 inUsing filtered feedback with a noise input to produce a tone. Some bass notes turn a little noisy if the freq is left at one value for a few seconds.