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Chicago Chord Pad

by headchant on 28 Jul'12 21:48 in techno chicago pad

rough sketch of chicago minor chord pad thing

reception: cool (1)awesome (1)retro (1)

sctweets by redFrik

by Fredrik Olofsson on 10 Jul'12 22:56 in tweets

my collection of tweets. see updated 130513 with tweet0110-0136 updated 131125 with tweet0137-0167 updated 131128 with

reception: tweet (1)awesome (1)collection (2)rukanofan (1)inspiration (1)

Simple animated 2D user interface

by rukano on 29 May'12 01:45 in synchronization control bus audiovisual animated user interface

A more simple example using the shared memory interface to get the current status of a bus, and also setting a bus from the GUI. The circle turns red

reception: educational (1)example (1)

Synchronous control bus visualizer using the shared memory interface

by rukano on 29 May'12 00:53 in synchronization control bus audiovisual animated user interface

Messing around with Control buses and later Control Ndefs and using getSynchronous to use the exact value of the UGen in the draw function. Extra: yo

Epic Sax Guy (cheap version)

by rukano on 09 May'12 00:17 in epic sax guy sax trumpet pop

Again, just an exercise to get this tune out of my head. I was actually trying out the Stk plugins, but the sax there is quite cheesy. Not it's replac

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