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A Simple Synthesizer Keyboard 2

by prko on 27 Jan'24 11:53 in keyboard

[MIDI output enabled version](

Graphical Tracker Functions

by Dindoléon on 22 Jan'20 17:39 in gui tracker api

Stores three functions inside global variables which can be used to create either a binary tracker, a probabilist tracker or a combination of these tw

The Sounds of Fibonacci

by henk.lasschuit on 16 Mar'14 16:37 in mathematics research

Pisano Periods for the numbers 2 to 1000 converted to sounds

Frequency Modulation GUI Demo 4

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:47 in fm synthesis techniques frequency modulation frequency ratio

Experiment with FM by specifying contours for Carrier Frequency, Modulation Index, and Amplitude Envelope. Also adjust duration of events. In this ver

SpeechRender / SpeechBuffer

by rukano on 11 Feb'12 19:35 in speech class render buffer

Little class I made two years ago to generate buffers out of the speech synthesis engine in Mac OS X. If there is something similar from the command