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moving sound
by lambda on 04 Jul'20 10:33 inGenera dos tonos independientes para cada oido. Si lo vemos en el scope en modo X/Y podemos observar figuras de Lissajous
Pietro Mascagni's 'Cavalleria rusticana'
by deafwalker on 26 Jun'20 20:42 inA SuperCollider rendition of the orchestral intermezzo from Pietro Mascagni's 'Cavalleria rusticana' by Eli FieldSteel
4 operator phase modulation synth
by david_morgan on 10 May'20 19:56 inNote: you can configure more than 4 operators by changing the value of the numops variable.
by bernhard on 01 May'20 22:59 inRhythm-Experiment for sambalike patterns. The goal are cyclic patterns that accelerate in asymetrical way inside one cycle.
Danish Poem Sonification
by Jason_SK on 25 Apr'20 15:58 inHello! Guldhornene is one of my favourite poems by Adam Oehlenschläger So I decided to sonificate it! SC reads, posts the poem from the txt file
SCGAZER version 1.0
by kergener on 25 Apr'20 14:34 inSC recreation of Møffenzeef Mødular Stargazer drone synthesizer
reception: drone (1)synth (1)modular (1)9/8 drum'n strings
by bernhard on 15 Apr'20 16:07 inAn experiment with euclidian patterns, sampled drums and synthesized strings. Inspired by middle eastern 9/8 rhythms. Replace the samples in the dicti
Hotroded "08091500Acid309 by_otophilia"
by bernhard on 15 Apr'20 15:44 inHotroded version of "08091500Acid309 by_otophilia". With additional basssynth, euclidian patterns (needs the Bjorklund Object). With some randomisatio
Piano phase
by jpdrecourt on 07 Apr'20 13:39 inEarly experimentation with patterns. Attempt at recreating Piano Phase by Steve Reich with random part lengths.
Paulstretch for SuperCollider
by jpdrecourt on 07 Apr'20 09:46 inThis is a port of the basic Paulstretch algorithm to SuperCollider (no onset detection). Mono version, for stereo, use 2 instances hard panned. The so
reception: thanks (1)Gaussian Cookiemonster
by bernhard on 31 Mar'20 16:25 inGrainsynth Sampler based on Example in the Documentation. Similar to cookiemonster v.1.1, with GaussTrig instead of randomized Impulse
Cookiemonster v.1.1
by bernhard on 31 Mar'20 16:04 inGrainsynth Sampler based on the Example in the Documentation. Better version of v.1.0.
by bernhard on 31 Mar'20 12:53 inGrainsynth Sampler based on the Example in the Documentation. I'd call it crumblesynthesis. "ME WANT COOKIE!!!"
Stylophone tone simulation
by na on 31 Mar'20 11:59 inBasic tone simulator of a stylophone. Sugestions//improvements are welcome :)
by Alexander Zhagun-Linnik on 26 Mar'20 15:57 inThe second piece in this generative series. Note lengths are now variable within a line, but as the result the total duration of a pattern became vari
friture plus
by bernhard on 17 Mar'20 11:54 inRandom deep fryer. Can turn in to rain, waves and other stuff.