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vagabond kicks

by vividsnow on 03 Apr'13 14:15 in sketch experimental kick

pluck birds in desert

by vividsnow on 31 Mar'13 16:40 in sketch experimental random wind

morning on Gliese 667Cb

noisy twist

by vividsnow on 28 Mar'13 16:14 in sketch

sclang fun )


by vividsnow on 26 Mar'13 08:13 in sketch

reqs: sc3-plugins

reception: really nice going to need to study this one (1)

something on the floor

by vividsnow on 18 Nov'12 03:14 in sketch

nothing much )

bin-aural revolve

by vividsnow on 07 Jun'12 03:44 in noise sketch experimental background

some sound exploring - [soundcloud](

reception: educational (1)realisticsounding (1)industrial (1)


by vividsnow on 23 May'12 22:20 in rhythmic experimental random endless

example outputs at [soundcloud](


by vividsnow on 17 May'12 02:55 in noise experimental background endless

exploring of morphing cycled envelopes (i.e. kind of grains) as a sound source; give it some tries - there are possibly interesting ones

Re: cosmic organ

by vividsnow on 05 May'12 13:02 in drone code fork organ endless

cosmic organ expansion )

reception: awesome (1)organ (1)

Kepler 22-b atmosphere

by vividsnow on 04 May'12 16:08 in noise wind endless

wind whirls

blipecho context

by vividsnow on 01 Mar'12 14:08 in echo feedback code fork klangs

sample mash-up from "Funky Klangs" and "Re: Dub Echo"

reception: funky (1)


by vividsnow on 07 Jan'12 02:40 in experimental background

background sound inspired by rukano [tweet](