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Accelerating Tone Tweet

by Schemawound on 25 Mar'13 16:55 in sctweet

Any Moment

by Schemawound on 03 Sep'12 15:01 in ambient drone

"Any Moment" by Schemawound Appears on the album "They Want To Make Your Body Move. I Want To Hold You Perfectly Still." Full album is available fo

Fall Asleep Walking

by Schemawound on 03 Sep'12 14:59 in ambient drone

"Fall Asleep Walking" by Schemawound Appears on the album "They Want To Make Your Body Move. I Want To Hold You Perfectly Still." Full album is ava

Melting Circus Tweet

by Schemawound on 16 May'12 05:52 in tweet atonal melt circus

A tweet that sounds like a circus melting (in space)

Re: Dark sea horns

by Schemawound on 06 Mar'12 18:54 in sctweet ambient feedback noise code fork

Something I put together a while back by forking Dark Sea Horns

reception: deep (1)