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Re: Generating Graphics and Music From The Dragon Curve
by blueprint on 08 Mar'23 13:17 inThese are variations using lsystems I built for: I've only changed the LSystem itself, not the note selections or
Experiment with roots of unity
by Muse Score on 28 Jan'23 11:04 inThis is an experiment with roots of unity in supercollider. I took Eulers formula exp(2*pi*I*k/n) = cos(2*pi*k/n)+sin(2*pi*k/n)*I to sonify sums o
by Muse Score on 24 Jan'23 12:50 inThis is my first piece of music in the world of supercollider.
Space Game
by mjsyts on 20 Jul'22 15:47 inTop-down space shooter for SuperCollider. It is probably too easy but (I think) it is still fun.
monzos + sloth patch
by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:37 infun patch using sloth canons to control places of a monzo
sloth canons
by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:36 inroutine that takes a seed and generates a self-similar sloth canon with it by adding each term to each term, better explained in this blog post: https
by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:28 infunction that extracts repeating digits in "basimal" representations of ratios
mutronome (brownian motion of beats)
by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:23 inbeat absolute locations rather than deltas meander randomly each cycle
by Marty Carlton on 02 Mar'22 00:02 inThis is just a different keyboard layout for the code I found called "Operator". Thank you Alexander Lunt, wherever you might be! I changed the weird
Buffer Plotter
by Dindoléon on 05 Jan'22 15:06 inThis is a setup that allows you to plot a Synth() output, using a buffer. See .
music for airports inspired generative music
by infinite digits on 01 Dec'21 18:32 inthis is a infinite generative song based on Eno's Music for Airports. I realize this could be split up into different SynthDef's and sequenced with
magic sparkly rainbow!!!!!!<3
by daisystomper on 13 Aug'21 22:56 insome scale stuff by a novice-SC lovable unicorn
Auditory Scene Analysis, a SuperCollider companion (Chapter 1)
by mjf352 on 28 Jul'21 01:36 inThis is an estimation of every audio-based experiment from "Auditory Scene Analysis, Chapter 1" in the form of SuperCollider code. The purpose is to p
by Oscar Recarte on 12 Jul'21 00:35 inVarious gong-like sounds using FM synthesis. More detailed info (in Spanish) at
by Oscar Recarte on 11 Jul'21 08:50 inPolyrhythmic and dynamic FM drone. More detailed info (in Spanish) at
Damped Driven Double Pendulum Sonification and Visualization
by xavieredavenport on 29 Jun'21 23:25 inctrl+enter to run ctrl+. to stop Version 1. A little toy physics simulation of a double pendulum with damping and drive. The math is a little inc