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Keyboard Pattern recorder with samples this time

by Frank Bonarrigo on 10 Jul'24 08:15 in gui patterns phrase recorder

This is the second Keyboard. This one is setup for samples . Activating the Keyboard button allows you to play the keyboard with your computer Keyboar

Keyboard phrase recorder and Pattern Array printer

by Frank Bonarrigo on 10 Jul'24 08:12 in pattern gui sequencer

One of 2 Keyboards, The other will play a sample. This is one with a standard default Synth. Activating the Keyboard button allows you to play the ke

Wavetable Builder with GUI

by txmod on 25 Feb'24 19:40 in gui wavetable

GUI-based app for building and saving single-cycle waveforms and wavetables. Uses either a mix of sine waves or an envelope of points connected by c

reception: useful (1)

A Simple Synthesizer Keyboard 2

by prko on 27 Jan'24 11:53 in keyboard

[MIDI output enabled version](

Overtone Explorer

by prko on 19 Jan'24 21:00 in additive partial overtones

[related forum post 1](

Show a chord in music notation in a sclang window

by 56228375 on 26 Aug'23 15:17 in gui notation

showing a chord in a supercollider window in music notation using the Fosc quark

Automatic looper by selecting a part of a sound file

by prko on 05 Dec'22 15:41 in looper

originated from <> and <

A Simple Synthesizer Keyboard 1

by prko on 14 Aug'22 09:47 in keyboard


by Marty Carlton on 02 Mar'22 00:02 in filter additive synthesis lfo computer keyboard isomorphic layout

This is just a different keyboard layout for the code I found called "Operator". Thank you Alexander Lunt, wherever you might be! I changed the weird

Command-line SC utility for MIDI clock out

by jamshark70 on 27 Dec'21 05:52 in midi sync clock

When sending MIDI clock out at a fast tempo, there may be fewer than 10 ms between clock ticks. If you're sending the clock messages from the same scl

Bjorklund Toy

by rinalka1227 on 21 Apr'21 17:01 in pluck bjorklund

Toy built to facilitate experimenting with Bjourklund to step through two different 'chords'. The "onChord" is used in some way for each Bjorklund hi

Simple noise mixer with GUI

by pHJosef on 24 Jan'21 20:02 in noise color filter mixer eq

a simple noise eq with 10 filter bands and a gui.

GUI to generate scale- and arpeggio-like fragments in Just Intonation

by jordanwhitede on 20 Dec'20 15:03 in gui just intonation

I developed this to help me work on hearing and playing in just intonation. It's my first GUI so feedback is very welcome, but it works basically ok f

SpacePan - A Spatial Audio Environment

by audioholic on 07 Nov'20 18:40 in gui spatialization multichannel spatial audio

This is a basic spatial audio tool using source oriented vector based delay and amplitude panning as well as basic room simulation. This code was

[SIMPLE] Random Pad Generator

by Checco Ruseo on 17 Sep'20 12:40 in gui random pad

A random pad generation thing. Every time you click EXECUTE, a pad with a certain number of melodic lines is generated using the parameters in the G

Chord Crafter

by suhelkeswani on 17 Aug'20 19:20 in gui midi chords harmony chord

# Chord Crafter Chord Crafter is a digital MIDI instrument which allows musiscians, producers, beatmakers, or anybody to instantly build, playback, a

Simple GUI for WavesetsEvent

by IMF on 16 Jul'20 17:44 in gui granular synthesis wavesets wavesetsevent

A simple GUI for Waveset Synthesis. Requires WavesetsEvent, which should be placed in your SC extensions folder. Most of the code came from the includ

Scale Listener

by Dindoléon on 13 Feb'20 15:23 in gui helper scale preview didactic

The Scale Listener is a simple GUI that previews every scale provided in SC, except Ascending/Descending ones. Can also serve as a template for a grap

Graphical Tracker Functions

by Dindoléon on 22 Jan'20 17:39 in gui tracker api

Stores three functions inside global variables which can be used to create either a binary tracker, a probabilist tracker or a combination of these tw

cog wheels

by redFrik on 17 Sep'19 23:20 in gui animation icon

for drawing cogwheel icons

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