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sctweets by rukano

by rukano on 10 Jul'12 16:01 in tweets

Still trying to find more so I can have a collection of all my tweets here

reception: awesome (1)collection (2)redfrikfan (1)inspiration (1)

demo: backtracking constraint solver

by jamshark70 on 24 Sep'11 09:30 in recursion contraints backtracking algorithm

A quick and dirty recursive approach to finding valid solutions for a set of constraints by backtracking. The constraints are: Given a set of phras

reception: informative (1)educational (1)

Amen Break Glitches

by Bjorn Westergard on 18 Sep'11 22:34 in bass loop glitch aphex twin squarepusher venetian snaeres talkbass convertrhythm

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