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Subtractive Synthesis Demo with QuNeo - Patch 1

by Bruno Ruviaro on 23 Sep'13 06:06 in subtractive synthesis quneo white noise

QuNeo pads play filtered white noise. Midinote becomes center frequency of a Band Pass Filter.

Additive Synthesis Demo with QuNeo - Patch 3 (Risset Bell)

by Bruno Ruviaro on 23 Sep'13 05:47 in bell risset additive synthesis quneo

QuNeo controller playing Risset Bells (additive synthesis demo).

Additive Synthesis Demo with QuNEO - Patch 1

by Bruno Ruviaro on 23 Sep'13 05:44 in additive synthesis quneo

QuNeo controller additive synthesis demo.

Pushing air

by coreyker on 17 Dec'12 17:32 in disquiet morse code

code for disquiet 0050 project: listen here:

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