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harmonized harmonic minor scale, chords + melody

by josecaos on 10 Dec'11 19:14 in supercollider armonizacion escala menor armonica harmonic minor scale coding

// harmonized harmonic minor scale chords + melody //// download audio @

reception: nice (1)composition (1)

first step

by Luka P. on 22 Sep'11 22:43 in

something i did as one of my first playing around with SC. it's almost a nice chilled dance track made just with pulses and oscilators...


by nathanielvirgo on 26 Aug'11 15:05 in tweets sctweets

A hopefully more-or-less comprehensive collection of all the sctweets I've posted to

reception: educational (2)nice (1)impressive (1)

Frequency modulated pulse

by nathanielvirgo on 26 Aug'11 14:17 in analogue fm pulse

The standard Pulse UGen doesn't sound very good when its pitch is modulated at audio frequencies. This example shows how to produce a band-limited pu

reception: informative (1)

PWM crossfade

by Jonatan Liljedahl on 16 Aug'11 15:06 in pwm transition crossfade

A demonstration of transitioning between notes in a sequence, by pulsewidth modulation.

reception: transition (1)matchcut (1)strangeloop (1)

Pebble Beach

by 38nonprivate on 12 Aug'11 18:02 in sound effects


reception: realistic (1)
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