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SCTweets - 140 Character - swiki repost

by zecraum on 08 Apr'21 05:42 in sctweet sctweets tweeter swiki

140 Character Examples A popular way to share SuperCollider code is to post it to the social n

Shift register patch

by david_morgan on 26 Jan'18 16:45 in

reception: surprising (1)

Chaos Ambient - Unfinished Piece

by rumush on 18 Nov'15 12:01 in random chaos algorhitmic

A unfinished noise piece. Based on two chaotic UGens and some granularization.

by brianlheim on 21 May'15 20:23 in random chaotic meta code generation automatic (Meta-Composer or Meta-Coder Electronique) is a tool for finding inspiration and humor in random but interesting output. Essentially


by evilshadowtwin on 03 Aug'13 03:48 in unnamable


by evilshadowtwin on 03 Aug'13 03:43 in unnamable

SC Tweets collection

by andre on 11 Nov'12 00:01 in tweets

SC tweets collection from the SC symposium London 2012


by nathanielvirgo on 26 Aug'11 15:05 in tweets sctweets

A hopefully more-or-less comprehensive collection of all the sctweets I've posted to

reception: educational (2)nice (1)impressive (1)