«Shaman ceremony» by Jonatan Liljedahl
on 11 Aug'11 12:46 inbased on my glitch folk tweets, added handclaps and shaman drumming.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
play{ p=LFPulse; n=LFNoise1; Limiter.ar( GVerb.ar( LPF.ar(LeakDC.ar( mean({|n|(p.ar(n*1e2+50*p.kr(4-n/[4,7,5]).sum+3e2)*p.kr(n+1*2,0,0.8).lag(0.1))}!3) ),4000) * 0.4, 200, 9, 0.6, 0.5, 40, 1, 0.15, 0.25 ).madd(0.8) + GVerb.ar( {|i|BPF.ar(PinkNoise.ar(Decay.ar(Impulse.ar(2,0.95+n.kr(1,0.08)),rrand(0.2,0.4),2)).tanh,600*i+1200,0.4)}.dup(6).sum*1.2, 90, 3, 0.7, 0.5, 30, 1, 0.2, 0.3 ) + Splay.ar( {|i|Ringz.ar(LPF.ar(Impulse.ar(6,n.kr(1,0.08)),4000),6*i+40+n.kr(30,2),0.5,n.kr(3).range(4,8)).tanh}.dup(3),0.5 ).madd(0.3) ) }
full graph
«Re: Shaman ceremony» by foxparse (private)
good techno-shamanistic chant )
p.s. I didn't know about Splay UGen - thank you for a point )
This sounds like The Residents.
Also: lots of fun tricks in here! I love what you do with LFNoise1 to generate melodies.
Actually, the melodies are made only with LFPulse! (both for control and as oscillators) The LFNoises are used to give some "humanity" to the handclapping and drumming.