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by grirgz on 17 Feb'20 01:17 in cymbal

Now you're going to die

by grirgz on 12 Sep'17 00:09 in drone generative

Eternal sunrise

by grirgz on 19 Jul'17 03:15 in sleep


by grirgz on 21 Jul'15 02:12 in bass noisy

radio tunner and harmonica

by grirgz on 04 Feb'15 00:06 in

Maybe I should not post code which come directly from the SC documentation, but It's been years that I read this doc, I never listened to the code exa


by grirgz on 29 Dec'14 21:31 in pad lizard church

reception: complex (1)awesome (2)


by grirgz on 23 Oct'14 21:41 in bass distortion

Re: Variations for Z1 sawtooth

by grirgz on 03 Apr'13 19:41 in code fork

sad alarm