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Judges by Michael Noonan

by Bruno Ruviaro on 17 Dec'19 19:56 in composition musc115

"Judges" by Michael Noonan. Created as a Final Project for the course MUSC 115 - Experimental Sound Design, Santa Clara University, Fall 2019.

Demo: Loading a MIDI file, playing it with your own SynthDef

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Nov'18 02:04 in midi pbindf simplemidifile quarks

Load a MIDI file and play it with your own SynthDef. Examples of how to use it with Pbindf

Re: Granular electromaton variation

by Bruno Ruviaro on 01 Nov'16 04:47 in texture code fork microtiming rhythm grains granulator

A variation of Granular electromaton by William Mox Drossard

Subtractive Synthesis Demo with QuNeo - Patch 2

by Bruno Ruviaro on 23 Sep'13 06:10 in patterns subtractive synthesis quneo white noise

Each QuNeo pad activates a differnt pattern of "notes" made of filtered white noise.

Subtractive Synthesis GUI Demo 2

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:57 in gui patterns synthesis techniques subtractive synthesis

Translucent "pad" interface to play with subtractive synthesis. White noise triggered by either Impulses of LFPulse, then filtered by a Band Pass Filt

Granular Sampling GUI Demo 1

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:50 in gui synthesis techniques granular synthesis sampling

Graphical interface to experiment with granular sampling (one sound file at a time).

reception: educational (1)