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Show a chord in music notation in a sclang window

by 56228375 on 26 Aug'23 15:17 in gui notation

showing a chord in a supercollider window in music notation using the Fosc quark

Generating Graphics and Music From The Dragon Curve

by 56228375 on 26 Jan'19 22:09 in minimal generative graphics panola lsystem dragon

This minimal music generator uses a Lindenmayer system to generate composition instructions. Interpreting those same instructions twice with some rand

Scribble Squiggle

by 56228375 on 09 Aug'17 15:40 in squiggle record play

Alternative way of squiggling: instead of modeling the squiggle with math formulas you can also just draw it by mouse, record it and then play it back

Squiggle squiggle

by 56228375 on 09 Aug'17 00:51 in osc visualization squiggle mousex mousey control signal parametric

A more extensive squiggle session. Construction is detailed in a blog post

granular AM synthesis

by 56228375 on 19 Feb'17 01:06 in gui patterns osc amplitude modulation granular synthesis visualization

My first composition that goes beyond tweaking documentation examples. It uses a kind of granular synthesis where each grain is a short AM synthesized