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how to use the SynthDef's default argument in an Event?

by julian.rohrhuber on 03 Nov'17 15:03 in pattern event help eventtype

One answer to the question "how to use the SynthDef's default argument in an Event?"

experiments in detecting fast onsets with Amplitude UGens

by julian.rohrhuber on 19 Dec'15 20:57 in amplitude analysis experiment trigger

A series of consecutive experiments (all results visualised as plots) that try to detect onsets in a noisy signal.

Re: Dissonator with Steno

by julian.rohrhuber on 16 Jun'15 18:51 in effect code fork dissonant ring modulator psychoacoustic language

Here is a remix in the language Steno.

Where did I leave my keys?

by julian.rohrhuber on 01 Nov'13 23:05 in speculative multichannel crossing

Cross-tuning between multiple signal dimensions. The code is finished without listening.

functors - Using Pdef for building abstract pattern functions while live coding

by julian.rohrhuber on 27 Sep'13 22:22 in pattern live coding abstraction tutorial

A simple example that shows of how to build higher-level patterns using Pdef