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by LFSaw on 05 Jun'17 17:23 in looper synthdef

variable length looping engine

reception: awesome (1)

running water (simple)

by LFSaw on 26 May'17 11:07 in live coding water simple example entrypoint

Example sound explored in the temporary event Creating soundscapes with live coding techniques

etude wild LC

by LFSaw on 23 May'16 10:33 in live coding

end version of the live coding session [etude wild LC](, an experimentation around the theme of [sonic

Re: network of loosely connected nodes (now working)

by LFSaw on 21 Oct'13 20:30 in code fork synchronisation weak connection

Idea: network of loosely connected nodes. Each node has a dedicated pulse rate / phase. Inducing an irregular trigger signal influences the nodes to (

SyncSaw madness

by LFSaw on 21 Jul'12 11:39 in scary

Based on the answer to my question if there is a synced oscillator on SuperCollider, I played with SyncSaw as suggested by JmC.

reception: spacy (1)