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monzos + sloth patch

by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:37 in just intonation monzo sloth canon fractals

fun patch using sloth canons to control places of a monzo

sloth canons

by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:36 in fractal just intonation sloth canon

routine that takes a seed and generates a self-similar sloth canon with it by adding each term to each term, better explained in this blog post: https


by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:28 in formant just intonation hordijk basimal decimal partch integers

function that extracts repeating digits in "basimal" representations of ratios

Fractal Noise

by Michael Dzjaparidze on 20 Sep'13 13:52 in noise random chaos fractal

This code generates fractal noise by cascading N first order filter sections. beta = 0 -> white noise, beta = 1 -> pink noise, beta = 2 -> brown noise