«bouncy-ball delay» by snappizz
on 26 Feb'17 06:08 indelay effect with accelerating echoes
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~buf = Buffer.alloc(s, s.sampleRate * 5); ( { var trig, freq; var dry, snd, phase, iois; var cumulDelay; var decayFactor, lpfCutoff, numEchoes, ioiScale, ioiDecayFactor; // play with these! decayFactor = 0.65; lpfCutoff = 500; numEchoes = 16; ioiScale = 0.4; ioiDecayFactor = 0.75; // example input -- you can substitute other stuff here trig = Dust.ar(1); dry = Pulse.ar(100 * TIRand.ar(1, 12, trig)); dry = dry * Decay2.ar(trig, 0.01, 0.2); phase = DelTapWr.ar(~buf, dry); iois = Array.geom(numEchoes, ioiScale, ioiDecayFactor); cumulDelay = iois.sum; (cumulDelay > ~buf.duration).if { Error("use a larger buffer").throw; }; snd = Silent.ar; iois.reverse.do { |ioi| snd = (snd + DelTapRd.ar(~buf, phase, cumulDelay, interp: 4)) * decayFactor; // one-pole lowpass -- LPF was too aggressive snd = OnePole.ar(snd, lpfCutoff / SampleRate.ir); cumulDelay = cumulDelay - ioi; }; snd = snd + dry; snd * 0.5!2; }.play; // contributors so far: Nathan Ho )
Really cool... I saw that something like this was recently released as a commercial plugin from sinevibes.
yeah, i was inspired by the CDM article on it and i wanted to see how easy it was in SC.