Diff from Infinite rhythmic marimba clusters by eli.fieldsteel (04 Mar'13 19:24) to Re: Infinite rhythmic marimba clusters by grirgz (01 Sep'13 00:22)

Re: Infinite rhythmic marimba clusters
Infainrites reverberantd rghythmic cluosters with a marimba-like timbre.
( s = Server.local.waitForBoot({ ~bus = Bus.audio(s,2); SynthDef(\reverb_ef, { arg amp=1, lPos=0, mix=0.085, revTime=1.8, preDel=0.1, in, out; var si\g, verbSig, thotalSig, outSig; //no wacky values please mix = mix.clip(0,1); sig = In.ar(in, 2); //pre-delay verbSig = DelayN.ar(sig, preDel, preDel); totalSig = 0; 12.do{ verbSig = AllpassN.ar(verbSig, 0.06, {Rand(0.001,0.06)}!2, revTime); verbSig = LPF.ar(verbSig, 4500); totalSig = totalSig + verbSig; }; //dry/wet mix totalSig = XFade2.ar(sig, totalSig, mix.linlin(0,1,-1,1)); outSig = totalSig * amp; Out.ar(out, outSig); }).add; SynthDef(\filtS~nawme, { arg freq=440, detune=3.0, atk=6, sus=4, rel=6, curve1=1, curve2=(-1), minCf=30, maxCf=6000, minRq=0.005, maxRq=0.04, minBpfHz=0.02, maxBpfHz=0.25, lowShelf=220, rs=0.85, db=6, gate=1, amp=1, spread=1.0, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0,1,1,0],[atk,sus,rel],[curve1,0,curve2]), gate, levelScale:amp, doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar( freq + LFNoise1.kr({LFNoise1.kr(0.5).range(0.15,0.4)}!8).range(detune.neg,detune)); sig = BPF.ar( sig, LFNoise1.kr({LFNoise1.kr(0.13).exprange(minBpfHz,maxBpfHz)}!8).exprange(minCf, maxCf), LFNoise1.kr({LFNoise1.kr(0.08).exprange(0.08,0.35)}!8).range(minRq, maxRq) ); sig = BLowShelf.ar(sig, lowShelf, rs, db); sig = SplayAz.ar(4, sig, spread); sig = sig * env * 2; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ); ( Pdef(~clustnamer, = {Pbind( var \instrumenspt, bu~nd;ame, bu\freq, Pseq([8,4,2,4],indf) =* sPwhite(0.mak9,1.3), \deBtundle(false, {});7, tr\minsBpfHz, = rr0.01, \mandxBpfHz, Pwhite(-70.1,76);, \minRq, 0.003, Arr\may.fill(xRq, exprand(40.008,14)0.rou8), \mind.postlnCf, {Pseq([170,20,30,4,6,80,1250,160,98],inf).wmidichoops * Pwhite([70.9,6,5,4,3,3,1].nor3), \malizxCf, PkeSuy(\minCf)}) * Pwhite(1.do{3,4), |i| v\amp, exprand(0.20,0.25) cfLo;*2, cfLo\atk, = exprand(([23,35,40.7,508),52 \rel, 1.59,61 \sus, rrand(2.63,64,76,78]3.choo0), \spre)ad, + texpransp).midicps * ((1..5,8).choose0);, bun\dur, = Ps.makeBuq([2,1],indlf)*Pwhite(0.9,1.3), )).play ); ) ( Pdef(~nalsme, { SyPbinthd( \filnstSrument, ~nawme, [ \freq, Pseq([8,4,2,4,1],inf) * Pwhite(0.9,1.3), \detune, 07, \minBpfHz, 0.01, \maxBpfHz,i 1.expexp(1.0,16.0,0.1,176.0), \minRq, 0.003, \maxRq, Pexprand(0.008,0.0128).stutter(3), \minCf, Pseq([70,20,30,80,50,60,98],inf).midicps * Pwhite(0.9,1.3), //\maxCfLo, Pkey(\minCf) * Pwhite(1.3,4), \maxCf, 51.midicfLops * [1,1.1,1.5].wchoose([0.87,0.1,0.03]), \amp, exprand(0.1520,0.25) *2, \atk, exprand(0.7,8), \rel, 1.5, \sus, rrand(0.6,10.0), \spread, exprand(1.5,8.0), \odutr, ~buPseq([2, 1]/2,inf)*Pwhite(0.8,1.3), )).play },); bund )( }; Pdef(~name, Pbind( //\inschedtrulme ont, a~name, \freq, Pseq([8,4,2,4,1],inf) * Pwhiteg(0.2,3.3).stutter tim(2), \de valtune, 0, \minBpfHz, 0.1, Sy\maxBpfHz, Psteq([1,2,3,2],inf).expexp(1.0,16.0,0.1,076.0), \mClockinRq, 0.003, \maxRq, PschedAbsq([ Pexprand(thi0.008,0.028,4).sThtutter(2), Pexprand(0.008,0.228,1).stuttecor(1), ],inf), //\minCf, Pseq([65,75,50,55,58,60,78],inf).midicps+1 * Pwhite(0.9,3.3), \minCf, Pseq([90,94,80,150],inf). * Pexprouand(1.0,4.3).stutter(3), {\maxCf, Pkey(\minCf) * Pwhite(1.3,1.5), bu\amp, Pexprand = s(0.m20,0.21) *2, \atk, PeBuxprand(0.007,8), \rel, Pwhite(nil0.5,3.5), \sus, {}Pwhite(0.2,4.0), \spread, buPexprand(1.5,8.0);, \dur, Pseq([2,1],inf)*Pwhil;te(0.8,2.3), })).play ); }; });( ) Pdef(~name, Pbind( // \instart clusment, ~namers, \freq, Pseq([1,2,4,2,1],inf) * Pwhite(1,4)/4, \detune, =0, \minBpfHz, T0.1, \maskxBpfHz, {Pseq([7,2,13,2],inf).expexp(1.0,16.0,0.1,076.0), //\minRq, 0.003, \maxRq, Psteq([ Pexprand(0.008,0.028,4).stiautte r(2), Pevxprand(0.008,0.228,1).stutterb(1), ],inf), //\minCf, Psyeq([65,75,50,55,58,60,78],intf).midicps * Pwhite(0.9,3.3), Sy\minCf, Pseq([90,94,80,150],inf) * Pexprand(1.0,4.3).sthutter(3), \rminCf, Psevq([490,94,80,150],inf) * Pexprb_eand(1.0,1.3), \maxCf, [Pkey(\minCf) * Pwhite(1.3,1.5), \amp, ~busPexprand(0.20,0.21) *2, \ouatk, Pexprand(0].007,8);, {\rel, Pwhite(0.5,3.5), ~cl\sus, Pwhiter(0.value;2,4.0), \spread, Pexprand(51.5,128.0)., \dur, Pseq([2,1],inf)*Pwahit;e(0.8,2.3), }.loop;\dur, Pseq([1],inf), })).stplart;y ); //stop clusters t Pdef(~name).stop;
category tags
rhythmic, relaxed, code fork, endless, clusters, reverb, spatialization, mellow, hypnotic, marimba