Diff from Re: Dub Echo using LocalIn + LocalOut (and Ping Pong) by rukano (22 Feb'12 13:41) to blipecho context by vividsnow (01 Mar'12 14:08)

Re: Dub Elipecho using LocalIn + LocalOut (and Ping Pong)text
Fork of Bjorn'sample Dmash-ubp echo, frewritten w/om the "Feedback Quarnky (using LocaKlIn + LocalOut) and addings" a pingd pong (can b"Re: removed Duby deleting tEche .reverse method in the LocalOut line)"
( SynthDef(\klang_blip, { | out = 0, release = 1, freq1 = 1, freq2 = 5, freq3 = 8, freq_mul = 4, atk_dur = 0.01, amp = #[0.3,0.3,0.3], mod_freq = 25 | var sig = DynKlang.ar( `[([freq1, freq2, freq3].linexp(1,12,1,1140) * freq_mul), amp, nil ], EnvGen.kr(Env([5,1.05,0.95,0.01],[0.025,release*3/4,release/4])), 150 ) * LFGauss.kr(mod_freq.reciprocal, 0.3); Out.ar(out, (sig/8)!2 * Linen.kr(Impulse.kr(0), atk_dur, 1, release, doneAction:2)) }).add; SynthDef(\dubecho,{|in, out, length = 1, fb = 0.8, sep = 0.012| var input = In.ar(in, 2); var feedback = LocalIn.ar(2); var output = LeakDC.ar(feedback*fb + input); output = HPF.ar(output, 400); output = LPF.ar(output, 512000); output = output.tanh; LocalOut.ar(DelayC.ar(output, 1, LFNoise2.ar(12).range([length,length+sep],[length+sep,length])).reverse); ReplaceOut.ar(out, output); }).add; ) // ( Example as effecet bus ~bus = Bus.audio(s, 2); ~echo = Synth(\dubecho, [\in, ~bus, \length, TempoClock.default.tempo*(3/8), \fb, 0.725, \sep, 0.0012], addAction: \addToTail); //Pbind(*[ instrument: \klang_blip, dur: sPwrand([0.25,0.5,1,0.125], [16,16,1,1].normalizethSum, ingf), p release: Pkey{(\dur), freq_mul: OPstut.ater(~bPwrand([1,2,4],[5,3,2].normalizeSusm,inf), LFGPxraussnd((1..6), inf)), freq1: Pstutter(Pxrand((2,4..16), inf), Prand((1..4), 0inf)), freq2: Pstutter(Pxrand((2,4..16), loop:0inf), Prando((4..8), inf)), freAcq3: Pstioutter(Pxran:d((2,4..16), * Blip.anf), Prand((80!..12), 8inf)) }, // mod_freq: Pstutter(Pxrand((2,4..16), itnf), Pbrown(7,30,3)), atk_dur: Pkey(\ffreq_mul).linlin(12,2,0.01,0.4), out: ~bus, amp: Pstutter(Pxrand((2,4..16),inf), Pfunch({[2,3,4].normalizeSum.fscramblee})) ]).play; )
category tags
dub, echo, spacecho, feedback, code fork, klangs
1-h1P8, 1-1Pw