Search for «useful» code in reception tags by rukano remove user filter

SlimLauncher 1.0

by Schemawound on 09 May'12 15:07 in gui class launcher tool extension helper

Blog post describing this class:

reception: useful (1)

Re: Load and play samples from GUI (Qt GUI only), adapted to use SoundFile:cue

by LFSaw on 30 Apr'12 13:07 in gui sampler code fork loader soundfile

*Needs Qt GUI (VLayout)* ----- Basic GUI for loading samples and playing them via button presses. Differences to the original version by rukano:

reception: nice (1)useful (1)soundboard (1)


by redFrik on 10 Feb'12 18:53 in graphic

works with both qt and cocoa. i get a steady 60fps on my machine. try lowering 'l= 1024' at the top if it's too heavy on your cpu.

reception: useful (1)awesome (1)timesink (1)