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wavetable interpolation drone

by eli.fieldsteel on 28 Feb'19 07:06 in bass complex drone rich waveshaping wavetable

A lush drone using a waveshaping algorithm for interpolating between multiple wavetables. This code is based off of a similar code example by totalgee

wavetable bass

by snappizz on 02 Jun'17 21:12 in bass wavetable serum

wob wob wob

SC Tweets collection

by andre on 11 Nov'12 00:01 in tweets

SC tweets collection from the SC symposium London 2012

sctweets by redFrik

by Fredrik Olofsson on 10 Jul'12 22:56 in tweets

my collection of tweets. see updated 130513 with tweet0110-0136 updated 131125 with tweet0137-0167 updated 131128 with

reception: tweet (1)awesome (1)collection (2)rukanofan (1)inspiration (1)