Search for «pattern» code in category tags
Molecular music box 2
by grirgz on 28 Aug'14 02:27 inSame algo, but instead of picking the next note in the scale, it take the next event in an event pattern, much more possibilities, I have fun for hour
Molecular music box
by grirgz on 28 Aug'14 00:31 inInspired by this post I rewritten the algo to use more the patterns, so it's generated on the fly and it's easy to cu
Real-time pattern morphing with Ndef
by grirgz on 09 Oct'13 18:17 inWhen you understand that Ndef can be used to modulate pattern keys, it opens a whole new world
functors - Using Pdef for building abstract pattern functions while live coding
by julian.rohrhuber on 27 Sep'13 22:22 inA simple example that shows of how to build higher-level patterns using Pdef
Little FM Synth (Second Version)
by yl0506 on 29 Apr'13 11:06 inI tried to increase the modularity of the code synthdef. It remains to improve the modularity and conciseness of code pattern. I find it too "heavy",
Little FM Synth
by yl0506 on 29 Apr'13 00:14 inA simple synth with some controls and a little musical pattern to test it. Sorry if my code isn't very good, i'm a newbie. Help will be welcome ...
Supercollider to Renoise
by g_montel on 25 Mar'13 16:24 inRenoise tracker (see can be controlled with OSC commands. With this Renoise Event Type, you can easily generate some patterns which will
reception: cool (1)control (1)external program (1)Piano Gestures: A Little Study
by mimetikmusic on 26 Jan'13 16:46 inA little study on piano improvisation.
pattern morphing
by grirgz on 27 Jul'12 05:18 inA pattern which do morphing between two event pattern (cross-fading synth arguments)
reception: cool (1)morphing (1)Effects
by egor on 09 Aug'11 01:36 insome pattern exprimenting
reception: strange (1)patterns (1)cool (1)