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Re: Morphing Saw Bass

by grirgz on 14 Mar'16 22:29 in bass code fork morphing sawtooth

my hobbit: adding random arrays of LFO everywhere (bonus: a glitch i don't know where it come from)

Modulation sequencing

by grirgz on 01 Sep'15 22:24 in pattern modulation sequencer

Two simple ways to set a different modulation per step in a pattern


by grirgz on 23 Oct'14 21:41 in bass distortion

Molecular music box 2

by grirgz on 28 Aug'14 02:27 in pattern generative molecular

Same algo, but instead of picking the next note in the scale, it take the next event in an event pattern, much more possibilities, I have fun for hour

kick feedback

by grirgz on 12 Jul'14 23:39 in effect feedback kick

wobble bass

by grirgz on 11 Nov'13 04:48 in bass wobble dubstep jitlib

Env editor with knobs to edit individual points

by grirgz on 20 Oct'13 17:59 in gui tool editor

I needed an Env editor with knobs to edit individual points. Maybe it can be useful to someone. You can zoom horizontally with shift+mouseDrag. Show a

Real-time pattern morphing with Ndef

by grirgz on 09 Oct'13 18:17 in pattern morphing

When you understand that Ndef can be used to modulate pattern keys, it opens a whole new world


by grirgz on 01 Sep'13 22:13 in

I always liked this sound when watching X-Files, then I re-created it by chance =) (fork of the tweet 0007 by redFrik)

electric guitar

by grirgz on 21 Jul'13 19:59 in

Re: Variations for Z1 sawtooth

by grirgz on 03 Apr'13 19:41 in code fork

sad alarm