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Eternal Elevator Ensemble

by 56228375 on 08 Dec'20 01:15 in space patterns pads generative eternal music meditation majestic calm vastness

Legend has it that on December 14th of 1287, the day that lives by the name of St. Lucia's Flood, a metalic artifact was unearthed filled with undecip

Scoring a movie with supercollider

by 56228375 on 12 Aug'17 11:34 in osc synchronization movie timeline blender

This is the supercollider code used in the tutorial about creating a generative movie score with supercollider and blender. The tutorial itself is loc

Those were the times

by 56228375 on 04 Aug'17 13:21 in pmono brown noise

When this generative song was released in 2342 it immediately rose to the top spot of the intergalactic U2B channel, easily breaking the all time reco

granular AM synthesis

by 56228375 on 19 Feb'17 01:06 in gui patterns osc amplitude modulation granular synthesis visualization

My first composition that goes beyond tweaking documentation examples. It uses a kind of granular synthesis where each grain is a short AM synthesized