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Eternal Elevator Ensemble

by 56228375 on 08 Dec'20 01:15 in space patterns pads generative eternal music meditation majestic calm vastness

Legend has it that on December 14th of 1287, the day that lives by the name of St. Lucia's Flood, a metalic artifact was unearthed filled with undecip

simple timeline for patterns

by 56228375 on 30 Apr'20 00:20 in pattern beat timeline

simple timeline for scheduling start and stop of patterns at specific beats (and an experimental extension with absolute time scheduling)

midified arpeggiator/auto-accompaniment using patterns

by 56228375 on 03 Jan'20 01:19 in pattern arpeggio midi arpeggiator autoaccompaniment

Proof of concept code for a midified arpeggiator/auto-accompaniment system, quickly reacting to chord changes Midi is received as input, and supercol

Automatic composition of tonal canons

by 56228375 on 24 Feb'19 16:21 in pattern generative theoryquark canon

Slightly older project which I forgot about until I hit on it by coincidence again... having some fun generating tonal canons (using the terminology "

reception: wow (1)

stranger things

by 56228375 on 13 Jan'18 14:43 in subtractive theoryquark stranger things theme

First 30 seconds or so of the obligatory "stranger things" theme. I didn't make any serious attempt to perfectly clone the original sounds, but I feel

supercollider implementation of padsynth algorithm.

by 56228375 on 13 Jan'18 12:22 in pattern pad padsynth

An implementation of Paul Nasca Octavian's excellent PadSynth algorithm in supercollider, driven from patterns. This code is accompanied by a blog art


by 56228375 on 04 Dec'17 00:19 in pad sad theoryquark

( Requires the theory quark from ) Moments before life support was to fail, a supercollider satellite was ejecte

Scribble Squiggle

by 56228375 on 09 Aug'17 15:40 in squiggle record play

Alternative way of squiggling: instead of modeling the squiggle with math formulas you can also just draw it by mouse, record it and then play it back

Squiggle squiggle

by 56228375 on 09 Aug'17 00:51 in osc visualization squiggle mousex mousey control signal parametric

A more extensive squiggle session. Construction is detailed in a blog post