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Re: Algorithmic melancholy
by grirgz on 27 Jan'14 23:35 inA little fork. I left all the old code for historical reasons
Re: Chicago Chord Pad
by grirgz on 30 Jul'12 15:11 ina little fork of the Chicago chord pad. Edit: eliminate the click by replacing adsr by dadsr
reception: relaxed (1)cool (1)pattern morphing
by grirgz on 27 Jul'12 05:18 inA pattern which do morphing between two event pattern (cross-fading synth arguments)
reception: cool (1)morphing (1)parser for (simplified) abc score notation
by grirgz on 02 Jul'12 19:12 inA simple parser for the (simplified) abc score notation. Features: - 4 octaves : C, C
reception: informative (1)interesting (1)