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Generating Graphics and Music From The Dragon Curve

by 56228375 on 26 Jan'19 22:09 in minimal generative graphics panola lsystem dragon

This minimal music generator uses a Lindenmayer system to generate composition instructions. Interpreting those same instructions twice with some rand

Scoring a movie with supercollider

by 56228375 on 12 Aug'17 11:34 in osc synchronization movie timeline blender

This is the supercollider code used in the tutorial about creating a generative movie score with supercollider and blender. The tutorial itself is loc

Re: DWG sitar model

by 56228375 on 10 Aug'17 14:55 in guitar code fork instrument physical model plucked strings pluck sitar

fork of a sitar model by @snappizz... it sounds better to me although I have no idea how it's supposed to sound. Modifications are in the plucking (w

Movie without images

by 56228375 on 25 Jul'17 00:06 in soundscape alienating

Requires supercollider 3.9dev. (But you probably can use older versions if your replace Done.freeSelf with number 2.) All sounds are synthesised - no

heavy breathing

by 56228375 on 11 Jun'17 00:04 in synthesis breathing body sound breath

An attempt at emulating a breathing sound. Originally made using sonic-visualizer, based on the spectrogram of the first breath in this recording: htt