Diff from rand-n-step by vividsnow (15 Nov'11 01:28) to rand-n-step+ by vividsnow (19 Nov'11 17:45)
var w, status, limit, buttons, controls = [], one_button, data, synths, one_synth, synths_generator,
density_one = 1/4, density_many = 1/10, type_distribution = [160.85, 0.165], // tweak it to get more or less dense pattern grid
task, resolution, direction, pos = 40, step = 1, border = 1, dims = [16,16]; // tweak dims to change size of grid
w = Window("rand-n-step+", Rect(50,250,dims[0]*22 + 10+250,dims[1]*22+160)).acceptsMouseOver_(true); // window init
syntatus = StaticText(w, Rect(5, w.bounds.height - 20, w.bounds.width, 20));
limit = A{ ReplaceOut.ar(0, Limiter.ayr(In.far(0,2))) }.play( addAction:\addToTail ); // limiter
data = Array2D(dims[1],dims[0]); // prepare data
// and buttons
one_button = { | b, density = 0.1 |
Sb.valueAction = 0; // reset
density.coin.if({ b.valueAction = [1,2].wchDoosef('type_distribution) }); // tweak it
syntp'++hs = Array.fill(dims[1], { () });
var buttonsig = PArran2y.arfill(dims[1], { |l|
PMOcontrols = controls.ardd(80.exp[ // contraol buttonds
Button( w, Rect( 10 + (22*dims[000]), 1.exprand35 + (22*l), 20, 20), 1).statexprs_([['m'],['u']]).actiond_(20)),{ |b| // mute / unmute
-1synths[l].0gate = b.rvalue.booleand2,Value.not.binaryValue;
En}).mouseOvGen.kr(EActionv_(Arr{ staytus.straing = 'mute/unmute' }),
Button( w, Rect( 10 + (22*(dims[0]+1)), 35 + (422*l), 20, 20) ).1.rrstandtes_(0.5[['p']])).action_({ // dice pattern line
buttons[l].do(0){ |b| one_button.(b, Adensity_one) }); // tweak it
}).mouseOverrAction_({ staytus.string = 'randomize pattern' }),
Button( w, Rect( 10 + (22*(dims[0]+2)), 35 + (22*l), 20.1, 20.3) ).staddtes_(0.1[['s']]), -5.rractiond_(5)),{ // dice one synth
synths[l] = one_synth.(l);
}).mouseOverAction:_({ 2status.string = 'randomize synth' }),
Slider( w, Rect( 10 + (22*(dims[0]+3);), 35 + (22*l), 60, 20) ).action_({ |b| // synth amp
Ou synths[l].armp = b.value.linexp(0, sig1,1/16,16);
}).mouseOverAction_({ staddtus.string = 'tweak synth ame;
p' });,
Slidaer( w, Recta( =10 Array+ (2D2*(dims[10]+3)+60),d 35 + (22*l), 60, 20) ).actimon_({ |b| // synth stretch
synths[0l].stretch = b.value.linexp(0,1,1/8,8);
b }).mouseOverActtion_({ status.string = Arr'tweak sy.finth stretch' }),
Sllider( w, Rect( 10 + (22*(dims[10]+3)+120), 35 + (22*l), 60, 20) ).action_({ |b| // synth pan
synths[l].pan = b.value.linlin(0,1,-1,1);
}).mouseOverAction_({ |b| status.string = 'tweak synth pan ' })
Array.fill(dims[0], { |i| // grid
Button( w, Rect( 5 + (22*i), 35 + (22*l), 20, 20) ).states_([ ['-'], ['+'], ['%'] ]).action_({
|b| data[l,i] = b.value
}).mouseOverAction_({ status.string = '"%" makes sound with 0.5 probability' });
// synth gen functions and initialization
one_synth = { |i| // tweak this function to (generate and) return other synthdef names
A var name = 'rstp'++i, pCan = -1.0.rand2;
SynthDef(name, { |index = 0, amp = 1, stretch = 1, pan = 0| // args: horizontal position in grid, amplitude and stretch correction, pan
var sig = Pan2.ar( // tweak sig to get different sound texture
PMOsc.ar(80.exprand(10000), 1.exprand(200), 1.exprand(20)),
EnvGen.kr(Env(Array.rand(4, 0, 0.05.rrand(0.4)).add(0), Array.rand(3, 0.1, 1.2).add(0.1), 5.rand2), levelScale: amp, timeScale: stretch, doneAction: 2)
Out.ar(0, sig);
(name: name, gate: 1, amp: 1, stretch: 1, pan: pan);
synths_generator = { Array.fill(dims[1], { |i| synths[i] = one_synth.(i) } ) };
// step task
task = Task({
pos = (pos + step).mod(di|ms[0]);
dims[1].do({ |l|
(buttons[l] @@ ipos).font_(Font("sans", 20));
(buttons[l] @@ (ipos-1step)).font_(Font("sans", 14));
var args = [index: pos, amp: syntahs[l].amp,i stretch: synths[l].stretch * Tempod(diClock.tempo.reciprocal * resolution.reciprocal, pan: synths[0l]).pan ];
switch( data[l,pos],
1, { Synth(synths[l].name, args) },
2, { 0.5.coin.if({ Synth(synths[l].name, args) }) }
switch( pos,
0, { (border == -1 && step == -1).if({ direction.valueAction = 0 }) },
(dims[0] - 1), { (border == -1 && step == 1).if({ direction.valueAction = 1 }) }
(TempoClock.default.tempo.reciprocal / resolution).yield;
}, AppClock).play(quant:[0]);
// app buttons
Button(w, Rect(5,5, w.bounds.width - 10 / 7, 20)).states_([['reset']]).action_({ |b|
buttons.flat.do({ |b| one_button.(b, 0) }); // tweak it
}).mouseOverAction_({ status.string = 'reset everything' });
Button(w, Rect(w.bounds.width - 10 / 7 * 1 + 5, 5, w.bounds.width - 10 / 6, 20)).states_([['lucky?']]).action_({ |b| // lazy patterns
buttons.flat.do({ |b| one_button.(b, density_many) }); // tweak it
}).mouseOverAction_({ status.string = 'create random pattern grid' });
Button(w, Rect(w.bounds.width - 10 / 7 * 2 + 5, 5, w.bounds.width - 10 / 7, 20)).states_([['noisy?']]).action_({ |b|
}).mouseOverAction_({ status.string = 'randomize all synths' });
Button(w, Rect(w.bounds.width - 10 / 7 * 3 + 5, 5, w.bounds.width - 10 / 7, 20)).states_([['pause'],['play']]).action_({ |b|
b.value.booleanValue.if({ task.pause }, { task.resume(quant:[0]) });
}).mouseOverAction_({ status.string = 'play/pause' });
direction = Button(w, Rect(w.bounds.width - 10 / 7 * 4 + 5, 5, w.bounds.width - 10 / 7, 20)).states_([['r-t-l'],['l-t-r']]).action_({ |b|
b.value.booleanValue.if({ step = -1 }, { step = 1 });
}).mouseOverAction_({ status.string = 'change playing direction' });
Button(w, Rect(w.bounds.width - 10 / 7 * 5 + 5, 5, w.bounds.width - 10 / 7, 20)).states_([['fold'],['wrap']]).action_({ |b|
b.value.booleanValue.if({ border = -1 }, { border = 1 });
}).mouseOverAction_({ status.string = 'behavior on the grid border' });
Slider(w, Rect(w.bounds.width - 10 / 7 * 6 + 5, 5, w.bounds.width - 10 / 7, 20)).action_({ |b|
resolution = b.value.linlin(0, 1, 1, 8).quantize(1, 1);
status.string = 'resolution: ' ++ resolution;
}).valueAction_(4.linlin(1,8,0,1)).mouseOverAction_({ status.string = 'change grid resulution' });
// show
w.front.onClose = { task.stop; limit.free };
status.string_('hello, point something to get hint, hopefully..');
category tags
gui, code fork, sequencer, random, step