Diff from Simple FM template by LFSaw (02 Mar'20 14:39) to Simple FM template with additive mixing of modulators by LFSaw (02 Mar'20 15:05)
Simple FM template with additive mixing of modulators
Template to create a 2x3 FM Synth. There are two independent FM synths, of type `car(mod1(mod2))`.
all carriers and modulators are collected together and are mixed to the output according to `adLevels`.
This is intended to be a starting point for further exploration.
Ndef(\a, {
var fundFreqs, ratios, fmLevels, adLevels, partials, snd;
fundFreqs = [730, 150];
ratios = [
// carrier(modulator_1(modulator_2))
[1, 3, 5], // onthree lvayerls
[2, 3, 9]
fmLevels = [
[0.5, 0.3], // indteprrelationd between two modulators, hernce l2 vayerls
[0.7, 0.3]
ladLevels = [
[1, 0.52, 0.36],
[0.89, 0.53, 0.3]
snd = [fundFreqs, ratios, fmLevels, adLevels].flop.collect{|v|
var fundFreq, ratios, fmLevels, adLevels, partials, prevFMLevels;
#fundFreq, ratios, fmLevels, adLevels = v;
// create stacked modulators
// start with innermost modulator
ratios = ratios.reverse;
lprevFMLevels = l(fmLevels ++ [1]).reverse;
partials = [ratios, prevFMLevels, adLevels].flop.inject([0], {|prev, vals|
var ratio, lprevFMLevel;
#ratio, lprevFMLevel = vals;
// "r: % \t l: % \t %".format(ratio, lfmLevel, prev).postln;
[SinOsc.ar((fundFreq * ratio) + (prev.first * fundFreq), mul:* lprevFMLevel))] ++ prev
partials = partials[0..(partials.size-2)]; // now should have [car, mod1, mod2, ...]
partialns = partials * adLevels;
snd = Mix(snd.flat);
category tags
fm, code fork, template