«Eternal sunrise» by grirgz
on 19 Jul'17 03:15 in1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152
( // INIT take time ~t = 185/4/60; TempoClock.default.tempo = ~t; // now with tempo ! 33.do { arg x; ( "creating babass "++x ).postln; SynthDef(( \babass++x ).asSymbol, { arg out=0, amp=0.1, gate=1, pan=0, freq=200; var sig; var voices = 8; // CPU control sig = SinOsc.ar(freq); sig = voices.collect({ [SinOsc, LFSaw, LFCub, LFPulse].choose.ar(freq * [1,2,1 + rrand(0,0.01)].choose * ( 1 + ( SinOsc.ar(exprand(4,100) * ( 1 + ( SinOsc.ar(exprand(0.1,100)) * 1 ))) * rrand(0,1) )), rrand(0.0,pi)) }); sig = sig.collect({ arg sig; sig + [SinOsc, LFSaw, LFCub, LFPulse].choose.ar(freq * [1,2,1 + rrand(0,0.01)].choose * ( 1 + ( SinOsc.ar(exprand(4,100) * ( 1 + ( SinOsc.ar(exprand(0.1,100)) * 1 ))) * rrand(0,1) )), rrand(0.0,pi)); }); sig = ( sig*\distamp.kr(10) * (1..voices)/4 ).tanh * \distpostamp.kr(1/2); sig = sig.collect({ arg sig; var line = [ XLine.kr(0.1,2,exprand(0.02,4)), XLine.kr(2,0.1,exprand(0.02,4)), ]; RLPF.ar(sig, rrand(100,1000) * line.choose, rrand(0.1,0.5) * line.choose); }); sig = HPF.ar(sig, 50); sig = LPF.ar(sig, 2500); sig = sig * EnvGen.ar(Env.adsr(0.01,0.1,0.8,0.1),gate,doneAction:2); pan = pan + SinOsc.kr((1..voices)/21, mul:0.01); sig = sig * 2; sig = sig * \modamp.kr(1).lag(0.1); sig = DelayC.ar(sig, 0.01,0.001) + sig; sig = Pan2.ar(sig, pan, amp).mean; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; }; SynthDef(\kobass, { arg out=0, amp=0.1, gate=1, pan=0, freq=200; var sig; freq = freq.lag(\freqlag.kr(0.4)); sig = LFSaw.ar(freq * [1/2,1,2] *.t [1,1.00001], 0.7); sig = RLPF.ar(sig, \lpfratio.kr(1.7)* freq * SinOsc.kr(1/18 * (1..8)).range(0.5,2), \rq.kr(0.5)); sig = sig * EnvGen.ar(Env.adsr(0.01,0.01,0.8,0.1,1,-4),gate,doneAction:2); sig = sig * SelectX.kr(\ammix.kr(1),[1,SinOsc.ar(\amf.kr(1*~t)).unipolar]); sig = SelectX.ar(LFNoise1.kr(1/62.1).unipolar, [sig, sig.fold( LFNoise1.kr(1/53).range(0.5,2) )]); sig = sig.mean; sig = sig * AmpComp.kr(freq); sig = sig * 3; sig = sig * amp; sig = sig * \modamp.kr(1).lag(0.1); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ); ( // PLAY! Pdef(\chord1, Pmono(\kobass, \degree, Pseq([ [0,4], [0,5], ],inf), \lpfratio, 1, \amf, Ptuple(Prand(2**(0..5),inf)/4!2).stutter(Prand([2,3,4,6,8],inf))*~t, \ammix, Ptuple(Prand(( 0..10 ),inf)/10!2).stutter(Prand([2,3,4,6,8],inf)), \octave, Ptuple(Prand([4,3,5,6],inf).stutter(Prand([Prand([2,3,4,6,8]),4,6,8],inf))!2), \dur, 4, \modamp, Pseq([ Pn(1,32*3), Pn(0,32*1), ],inf), \amp, 0.1/2 * 0.5, )); Pdef(\chord2, Pmono(\kobass, \degree, Pseq([ 9, 9, 8, 8, ],inf)+Pseq([0,1,0,3],inf).stutter(Prand([8,8,8,4,2],inf).stutter(4)), \lpfratio, 1, \amf, Ptuple(Prand(2**(0..5),inf)/4!2).stutter(3)*~t, \ammix, Ptuple(Prand(( 0..10 ),inf)/10!2).stutter(2), \modamp, Prand([1,0,0,0],inf).stutter(Prand([8,16,32],inf)), \octave, Ptuple(Prand([4,3,5,6],inf).stutter(Prand([Prand([2,3,4,6,8]),4,6,8],inf))!2), \dur, 4, \amp, 0.1/2 * 0.5, )); Pdef(\far, Plazy({ Ppar([ Plazy({ Pfindur([64,32].choose, Ppar([ rrand(1,8).collect({ arg idx; PmonoArtic(( \babass++rrand(0,32) ).asSymbol, \degree, Pstep(Pseq([ 9, 9, 8, 8, ],inf),4)+Pseq([0,1,0,3],inf), \modamp, Pseq([ Pseq([ Pseq({[ 1,0, 0,1, 1,1, 0,0, ].clump(2).choose}.dup([2,4,8,16].choose).flat,[2,4,8,16].choose).dup([2,4,8,16].choose) ].flat,1) * Pstep(Pseq([[1,0].choose],inf),[1,3].choose) ],inf), \legato, Pseq([{ [rrand(0.1,0.8),1].choose }!( 2**rrand(0,3) )].flat,inf), \lpfratio, 1, \octave, [3,4,5,6].choose, \dur, [[1/4,1/16].choose,1/8,1/4,1/2,1,2].choose, \amp, 0.1 * [0.8,0.5,Pseq([0.8,0.5],inf)].choose * 0.5, ) }), ].flat)) }).loop, Plazy({ Pfindur([64,32,16,8].choose, Ppar([ rrand(1,8).collect({ arg idx; PmonoArtic(( \babass++rrand(0,32) ).asSymbol, \degree, Pstep(Pseq([ 9, 9, 8, 8, ],inf),4)+Pseq([0,1,0,3],inf), \modamp, Pseq([ Pseq([ Pseq({[ 1,0, 0,1, 1,1, 0,0, ].clump(2).choose}.dup([2,4,8,16].choose).flat,[2,4,8,16].choose).dup([2,4,8,16].choose) ].flat,1) * Pstep(Pseq([1,0],inf),Pseq([1,3].scramble,inf) * [1,2,4,8,16].choose) ],inf), \legato, Pseq([{ [rrand(0.1,0.8),1].choose }!( 2**rrand(0,3) )].flat,inf), \lpfratio, 1, \octave, [3,4,5,6].choose, \dur, [1/2,1/4,1/8,1/4,1/2,1,2].choose, \amp, 0.1 * [0.8,0.5,Pseq([0.8,0.5],inf)].choose * 0.5, ) }), ].flat)); }).loop, ],inf); }) ); Pdef(\main, Ptpar([ 0,Pdef(\chord1), 16,Pdef(\far), 64,Pdef(\chord2), ])).play; )
I'm so impressed I have no words for it !
nice retro sounds, and nice code! i love the way you generate the 33 synths, and the way you set up and control the piece with a few patterns -- very instructive.
Hypnotic, very nice
Thank you =) Now that I look again, I notice an error : ~t should be the tempo but I forgot to set the TempoClock. I will fix the code. So everyone was listening to something not synchronized and with the tempo of the previous code they have run. Now that I listen it with tempo 185/60 I find it too fast, I don't remember the original tempo :p
This is beautiful and inspiring.