«Event type for conTimbre ePlayer» by xffff
on 03 Jan'13 22:30 inEvent type for easy integration of SuperCollider with conTimbre ePlayer using OSC.
I'll update this accordingly.
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/* Event type for easy integration of conTimbre with SC. Just supply an osc destination to the key \oscout. For example: Pbind( \type, \ctevent, \oscout, NetAddr("", 3000), \osccmd, \noteon, \voicename, \fl, \midinote, Prand((40..60),inf), \dur, Prand([1,2,1/2],inf), \amp, Pexprand(0.75,1.0,inf) ) Further information on specific commands can be found in the ePlayer manual. Mike Murphy 2013 http://www.contimbre.com */ Event.addEventType(\ctevent, {|server| var freqs, lag, dur, sustain, strum; var bndl, oscout, hasGate, osccmd; var oscEventFunctions = ( \noteon: #{ arg voicename, midinote=60, amp=0.1; [voicename, midinote, asInteger((amp * 127).clip(0, 127))] }, \noteoff: #{ arg voicename, midinote=60; [voicename, midinote] }, \detuned_noteon: #{ arg voicename, midinote=60, detune=0, amp=0.1; [voicename, midinote, detune, asInteger((amp * 127).clip(0, 127))] }, \detuned_noteoff: #{ arg voicename, midinote=60, detune=0; [voicename, midinote, detune] }, \ctnote: #{ arg voicenumber=0, noteid=0, midinote=60, amp=0.1, duration=0; [voicenumber, noteid, midinote, asInteger((amp * 127).clip(0, 127)), duration] }, \ctnoteoff: #{ arg noteid=0; [noteid] }, \glissando: #{ arg voicename, midinote=60, interval=0, duration=0; [voicename, midinote, interval.clip(-24,24), duration] }, \ctglissando: #{arg noteid, interval=0, duration=0; [noteid, interval.clip(-24,24), duration] }, \detuned_glissando: #{arg voicename, midinote=60, detune=0, interval=0, duration=0; [voicename, midinote, detune, interval.clip(-24,24), duration] }, \voice_glissando: #{arg voicename, interval=0, duration=0; [voicename, interval.clip(-24,24), duration] }, \reverb_state: #{arg onoff=0; [onoff]}, \reverb_gain: #{arg gain=0; [gain]}, \reverb_out: #{arg output=0, onoff=0; [output,onoff]}, \reverb_voicegain: #{arg index=0, gain=0; [index,gain]}, \reverb_time: #{arg time=1.5; [time]}, \reverb_roomsize: #{arg size=80; [size]}, \reverb_damping: #{arg damping=0.75; [damping]}, \let_vibrate: #{arg midinote=60, fullshort=0.5; [midinote,fullshort]}, \program: #{ arg voicename, programname; [ voicename, programname ] }, \gain: #{ arg voicename, gain=0; // this is in dB [ voicename, gain ] }, \chordon: #{ arg voicename, pitchlist; [ voicename, pitchlist ] }, \allNotesOff: #{ arg null=0; [null] }, \kammerton: #{ arg freq=442; [freq]}, \rest: #{ arg null=0; [null]} ); freqs = ~freq = ~detunedFreq.value; if (freqs.isRest.not) { ~amp = ~amp.value; ~midinote = freqs.cpsmidi; strum = ~strum; lag = ~lag; sustain = ~sustain = ~sustain.value; oscout = ~oscout.value; // OSC address hasGate = ~hasGate ? true; osccmd = ~osccmd; bndl = oscEventFunctions[osccmd].valueEnvir.asCollection; bndl = bndl.asControlInput.flop; bndl.do {|msgArgs, i| var latency; var message; message = Array.newClear(msgArgs.size+1); message[0]=osccmd.asString; msgArgs.size.do{|i| message[i+1]=msgArgs[i]}; latency = i * strum + lag; // don't send anything if type is \rest if(osccmd!=\rest,{ if(latency == 0.0) { oscout.sendBundle(latency, message) } { thisThread.clock.sched(latency, { oscout.sendBundle(latency, message) }) } }); // automatically deal with noteoff messages for each note-type case {hasGate and: { osccmd === \noteon }} { message[0]="noteoff"; thisThread.clock.sched(sustain + latency, { oscout.sendBundle(latency, message) })} {hasGate and: { osccmd === \detuned_noteon }} { message[0]="detuned_noteoff"; thisThread.clock.sched(sustain + latency, { oscout.sendBundle(latency, message) })} {hasGate and: { osccmd === \ctnote }} { message[0]="ctnoteoff"; thisThread.clock.sched(sustain + latency, { oscout.sendBundle(latency, message) })}; }; } });