«endless Roger Corman movie» by alln4tural
on 14 Jun'12 22:34 in1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
fork{ loop{ play{ Splay.ar( {Klank.ar(`[99.rand*(1..9)],Crackle.ar(2,0.01))*LFGauss.ar(9,1/4,0,0,2)}!2 ) }; 1.wait; } };// #endlessRogerCormanmovie
full graph
looks like supercollider doesn't like 99.rand(1..9)
... but why not?
ha! nifty... 99.rand*(1..9) nice!
oops, thanks for catching that! must have been a copy&paste&edit error.
the tweet is correct, gottseidank.
this is totally awesome! well done.