Diff from Chicago Chord Pad by headchant (28 Jul'12 21:48) to Re: Chicago Chord Pad by grirgz (30 Jul'12 15:11)

Re: Chicago Chord Pad
rougha skelitchtle fork of cthe Chicago minor chord pad. Edit: eliminate the click by replacing adsr by dadsr
( SynthDef(\ChicagoPad2, { |out = 0, freq = 440, freq2=660, freq3=528, cutoff = 500, amp = 0.2, gate=1| var snd; var delay = 0.045+0.05; freq = freq + SinOsc.kr(0.freq*1/2, 0, 1freq/2, 20); snd = Saw.ar([freq, freq+1, freq-1, freq*3/2, freq3] *6/5 [0.99,1])*0.1; snd = snd + VarSaw.ar(0.99*[freq, freq+1, freq-1, freq*2, freq3/, freq2+1, freq*6/53+1],0, LFTri.kr(07.13).range(0.2500,0.91))*0.1; snd = Mix(snd); snd = RLPFreeVerb.ar(snd, SinOsc.kr(0.51, 0, 100, 5000), 0.1)*2; snd = GVerb.ar(snd ,40, 10, 0.6, 0.6, -3, -9, -11)*0.28; // snd = RLPF.ar(snd, SinOsc.kr([0.081,4.2], 0.5, cutoff/[1700,480], cutoff[4000,700,5000])/[20.51,20], SinOsc.ar(0.21,1.5*pi)+1.05)/3; snd = Mix(snd); snd = MoogFF.ar(snd, SinOsc.kr(0.08, 0.5, cutoff/10, cutoff), 3, 0); snd = Dsnd * EnvGelayCn.ar(sEnv.dadsr(delay, 10.54, 0.01,0.8,0.4), gate, doneAction:2); //snd = snd * EnvGen.ar(Env.linenadsr(0.0014, 0.01,0.018,10.4), gate, doneAction:2); Out.ar(out, snd = [snd , AllpassC.ar(snd, delay, 0.05+SinOsc.ar(0.11).range(0, 0.045), 0.3)]; snd = snd * amp; Out.ar(out, snd); }).add; ) ( Pdef(\plop2, Pbind( \instrument, \ChicagoPad2, \degree, Pseq([0,4,0,3,1],inf), \root, -4, \freq2, Pkey(\freq)*(3/2) / 2, \freq3, Pkey(\freq)*(5/6) / 2, \legato, 1, \cutoff, 4500, \dur, 4, \amp, 0.2 )).play; );
category tags
techno, code fork, chicago, pad