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Command-line SC utility for MIDI clock out

by jamshark70 on 27 Dec'21 05:52 in midi sync clock

When sending MIDI clock out at a fast tempo, there may be fewer than 10 ms between clock ticks. If you're sending the clock messages from the same scl

Demo of Model-View-Controller design

by jamshark70 on 09 Dec'18 02:49 in gui view controller mvc model

This question comes up often: What is the best way to structure GUI code. IMO, Model-View-Controller (when done correctly) gives you the most flexi

ScoreClock, Patterns, RT/NRT and server-side resources

by jamshark70 on 12 Nov'11 03:20 in patterns nrt nonrealtime sync

A quick demo of one way to allocate server-side resources (SynthDefs, Buffers) that works in RT/NRT with minimal modification. You'll need Jonatan

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