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Re: Launchpad Spiral

by grirgz on 21 May'16 20:07 in code fork

For the challenge, let's make the path algorithmically =)

Molecular music box 2

by grirgz on 28 Aug'14 02:27 in pattern generative molecular

Same algo, but instead of picking the next note in the scale, it take the next event in an event pattern, much more possibilities, I have fun for hour

Molecular music box

by grirgz on 28 Aug'14 00:31 in pattern generative molecular

Inspired by this post I rewritten the algo to use more the patterns, so it's generated on the fly and it's easy to cu

Env editor with knobs to edit individual points

by grirgz on 20 Oct'13 17:59 in gui tool editor

I needed an Env editor with knobs to edit individual points. Maybe it can be useful to someone. You can zoom horizontally with shift+mouseDrag. Show a

Real-time pattern morphing with Ndef

by grirgz on 09 Oct'13 18:17 in pattern morphing

When you understand that Ndef can be used to modulate pattern keys, it opens a whole new world

parser for (simplified) abc score notation

by grirgz on 02 Jul'12 19:12 in parser abc score notation

A simple parser for the (simplified) abc score notation. Features: - 4 octaves : C, C

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