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BD with ringing BPF

by Bernhard Zitz on 22 Dec'24 01:26 in electro kick 808 bassdrum

BD with ringing BPF. 808ish

XoX pattern helper

by gosub on 26 May'24 12:01 in pattern 303 808 xox

a simple helper function to write \dur patterns in a XoX style i.e. Pseq(~xox.("xxooxoxo") * 8/120, inf)

Re: 808-ish Cowbell

by p.dupuis on 07 Jun'17 03:00 in percussion code fork cowbell 808

Now with a little more stick.

808-ish Cowbell

by p.dupuis on 12 Sep'16 01:25 in percussion cowbell 808

We all could use a little more.