«supercollider implementation of padsynth algorithm.» by 56228375
on 13 Jan'18 12:22 inAn implementation of Paul Nasca Octavian's excellent PadSynth algorithm in supercollider, driven from patterns. This code is accompanied by a blog article http://technogems.blogspot.be/2018/01/baking-sound-in-supercollider.html
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( //sample creation using the PadSynth algorith described at http://wiki.linuxmusicians.com/doku.php?id=zynaddsubfx_manual#padsynth_algorithm //based on code from Donald Craig http://new-supercollider-mailing-lists-forums-use-these.2681727.n2.nabble.com/Epic-Pads-td7487382.html#a7492701 s.waitForBoot({ var table, re, im, tab, fftsize, result, pars, freqs, amps, bandwidth, partials, note; var samplerate = s.sampleRate; var sgroup; var fxgroup1,fxgroup2; var reverbbus,chorusbus; var reverb, chorus; var prepareSingleBuffer, prepareAllBuffers; var spectrum, xvals; s.freeAll; s.freeAllBuffers; s.sync; sgroup = Group.new; fxgroup1 = Group.after(sgroup); fxgroup2 = Group.after(fxgroup1); reverbbus = Bus.audio(s, 1); chorusbus = Bus.audio(s, 1); ~buffers = []; SynthDef(\padfilterenv, { | out=0, referencefreq=130, amp=0.5, freq=440, buffer=1, gate=1, attack=0.1, decay=0.2, sustain=0.6, release=2, filtercutoff=10000, filterresonance=1.0, filterattack=0.01, filterdecay=0.2, filtersustain=0.8, filterrelease=2, filtergain=1.0, glissando=0 | var env = EnvGen.ar(Env.adsr(attack, decay, sustain, release), gate, doneAction:Done.freeSelf); var env2 = EnvGen.ar(Env.adsr(filterattack, filterdecay, filtersustain, filterrelease), gate, doneAction:Done.none); var frequency = VarLag.ar(freq, glissando, warp:\exponential); var sig = env*PlayBuf.ar(1, buffer, rate:((frequency.cpsmidi)-(referencefreq.cpsmidi)).midiratio, loop:1); sig = RLPF.ar(sig, env2*filtercutoff, rq:filterresonance, mul:filtergain); Out.ar(out, amp*sig); }, rates:[nil, nil, nil, \ar, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]).add; SynthDef(\reverb, { | out=0, inbus, mix=0.5, room=1.0 | var insig = FreeVerb.ar(In.ar(inbus, 1),mix,room); Out.ar(out, insig!2); }).add; SynthDef(\chorus, { | outbus=0, inbus, predelay=0.08, speed=0.05, depth=0.1, ph_diff=0.5 | var in, sig, modulators, numDelays = 12; in = In.ar(inbus, 1) * numDelays.reciprocal; modulators = Array.fill(numDelays, { |i| LFPar.kr(speed * rrand(0.94, 1.06), ph_diff * i, depth, predelay); }); sig = DelayC.ar(in, 0.5, modulators); sig = sig.sum; //Mix(sig); Out.ar(outbus, sig!2); // output in stereo }).add; s.sync; // calculate single wavetable prepareSingleBuffer = { | partials /* flat list of [partial idx, partial amplitude, partial idx, partial amplitude, ...]. Partials often are integers (or close to) */, min_length, /* min length of generated wave table in seconds */ spread /* band width used to generate new partials around the existing partials */, reference_note /* note for which this spectrum is being generated */| var fftsize = (min_length*s.sampleRate).nextPowerOfTwo; var pars = (partials.size/2); var bandwidth = (1+spread); var note = reference_note; var table = Signal.newClear(fftsize); var tab = Signal.fftCosTable(fftsize); var re = Signal.newClear(fftsize); var im = Signal.newClear(fftsize); var freqs = Array.newClear(pars); var amps = Array.newClear(pars); var buffer; var deinterlaced; fftsize.do({ |i| re[i] = 0.0; im[i] = 0.0; table[i] = 0.0; }); // partials are specified in a flat list containing // each time partial number followed by corresponding partial volume. // first deinterlace this flat list into a list of frequencies and a list of amplitudes deinterlaced = partials.unlace; freqs = deinterlaced[0]*(note.midicps); amps = deinterlaced[1]; // next we're going to generate extra (smeared) partials. This helps in adding life and warmth to the sounds. // if you specify spread == 0, no extra partials will be added pars.do({ |i| var freq, lo, hi,amp; freq = freqs[i]; amp = amps[i]; lo = ((freq/bandwidth)*(fftsize/samplerate)).round; // partial at frequency freq will be smeared over frequencies lo to hi hi = ((freq*bandwidth)*(fftsize/samplerate)).round; // generate extra partials between frequencies lo = freq/(1+spread) and hi = freq*(1+spread) (hi-lo+1).do({ |j| var mag, phase, val; var index = j.linlin(0, hi-lo, lo, hi); // only fill up lower half of spectrum: // right half later is derived from this left half to ensure a real-valued inverse fourier transform if(index < (fftsize/2), { if ((hi == lo), { mag = amp; table[index] = table[index] + mag; // add it to the result table }, /* else */ { val = j.linlin(0, hi-lo, -1, 1); mag = exp(val*val*10.0.neg) * amp; // generates a bell-shaped curve for val in [-1,1] with y-values between [-amp, amp] table[index] = table[index] + mag; // add it to the result table to create a "smeared" partial }); phase = rrand(-pi, pi); // set random phase re[index] = re[index] + (cos(phase)*mag); im[index] = im[index] + (sin(phase)*mag); }); }); }); // at this point, table contains the sum of all the specified + extra generated partials // calculate right half of spectrum to get a real-valued inverse FFT // right half must be the mirrored complex conjugate (i.e. make imaginary part negative) of the left half (fftsize/2-1).do({ | i | re[i+(fftsize/2)] = re[(fftsize/2)-i]; im[i+(fftsize/2)] = im[(fftsize/2)-i].neg; }); // inverse fourier transformation: resulting imaginary part should be (very close to) all zeros re = ifft(re, im, tab); // re.real.normalize scales the result so it falls between 0 and 1. // Next, make sure to normalize the maximum volume to -3dB. result = re.real.normalize * ((-3).dbamp); // load the result in a buffer buffer = Buffer.loadCollection(s, result); // and return the buffer as result of the function buffer; }; // calculate 2 wavetables per octave prepareAllBuffers = { | partials = #[ 1.01, 0.1722, 2.00, 0.0056, 2.99, 0.1609, 3.99, 0.0333, 5.00, 0.1157, 5.99, 0.1149, 6.98, 0.0079, 7.98, 0.0620, 8.99, 0.0601, 9.99, 0.0104, 10.98, 0.0134, 11.97, 0.0122, 12.99, 0.0058, 13.98, 0.0110, 14.98, 0.0029, 15.97, 0.0045, 16.98, 0.0023, 17.98, 0.0010, 18.97, 0.0016, 19.96, 0.0021, 20.96, 0.0008, 21.97, 0.0021, 22.96, 0.0001, 23.96, 0.0012, 24.95, 0.0003, 25.97, 0.0002, 26.96, 0.0003, 27.95, 0.0002, 30.96, 0.0002, 32.94, 0.0002, 34.96, 0.0001, 35.95, 0.0002, 37.93, 0.0001 ], min_length=5, spread = 0.1 | var buffers = []; var maxOctaves = 8; // prepare two wavetables per octave (0,1..8).do({ | octave | var reference_note_1 = (octave*12); var reference_note_2 = (octave*12) + 6; buffers = buffers.add(prepareSingleBuffer.value(partials, min_length, spread, reference_note_1)); buffers = buffers.add(prepareSingleBuffer.value(partials, min_length, spread, reference_note_2)); }); buffers; }; // calculate a desired spectrum (note: envelopes and filters/resonators/fx are just as important in determining overall experience) xvals = (1,2..33).as(Array); spectrum = Signal.newClear(33).waveFill({ | x, old, idx | var lookup; lookup = [ 14.2, 8.8, 7.3, 8, 5.7, 7, 6.8, 5.8, 8.7, 6.9, 3.2, 2.1, 4, 3, 1.8, 1.1, 2.5, 1.5]; // cello-esque if attack 0.3, no filter env, small reverb if ((idx < lookup.size), {lookup[idx]}, {0}); }, start:1, end:0).as(Array); spectrum = [xvals, spectrum].lace; // prepare the wavetables using inverse FFT ~buffers = prepareAllBuffers.value(spectrum, 5 /* minimum length of buffer in seconds */, 0.03 /* spread of partials during detuning */); s.sync; // start the fx synths reverb = Synth(\reverb, [ \out, 0, \inbus, reverbbus, \mix, 0.1, \room, 0.5, ], target:fxgroup2); chorus = Synth(\chorus, [ \out, reverbbus, \inbus, chorusbus ], target:fxgroup1); // create a composition // Pbind a new synth for each note. p = Pbind( \instrument, \padfilterenv, \out, reverbbus, \mynote, Pseq([Pseq((40,41..72), 1), Prand((48,49..72), 100)], inf), \myreference, (Pkey(\mynote)-(Pkey(\mynote)%6)), \referencefreq, Pkey(\myreference).midicps, \freq, Pkey(\mynote).midicps, \dur, Pseq([Pseq([0.5], 72-24), Prand((0.1,0.2..1.0), 100)], inf), \amp, 0.7, \buffer, Pfunc({ |ev| ~buffers[(ev[\myreference]/6).round(1)].bufnum; }), \attack, 0.3, \decay, 0.1, \sustain, 0.9, \release, 1.0, \filtergain, 0.3, \filtercutoff, 1000, \filterattack, 0.01, \filterdecay, 0.1, \filtersustain, 1.0, \filterrelease, 0.3, \filterresonance, 1.0, \glissando, 0, \vibratofreq, 3.0, \vibratodepth, 0.015, \group, sgroup); // Pmono creates only one synth, and updates its parameters. This allows e.g. for glissando's. q = Pmono( \padfilterenv, \out, reverbbus, \mynote, Pseq([40, 52], inf), \myreference, (Pkey(\mynote)-(Pkey(\mynote)%6)), \referencefreq, Pkey(\myreference).midicps, \freq, Pkey(\mynote).midicps, \dur, Pseq([2], inf), \amp, 0.7, \buffer, Pfunc({ |ev| ~buffers[(ev[\myreference]/6).round(1)].bufnum; }), \attack, 0.3, \decay, 0.1, \sustain, 0.9, \release, 1.0, \filtergain, 0.3, \filtercutoff, 1000, \filterattack, 0.01, \filterdecay, 0.1, \filtersustain, 1.0, \filterrelease, 0.3, \filterresonance, 1.0, \glissando, 0.5, \vibratofreq, 3.0, \vibratodepth, 0.015, \group, sgroup); c = Ppar([p,q], inf); c.play; }); )