«Livecode setup, with comments» by tedthetrumpet
on 08 Mar'17 16:08 inMy personal setup file for livecoding as at 8/03/2017, with some explanatory comments
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/* my personal setup file for livecoding in sc, as at 8/03/2017, with some explanatory comments The synths I use, in a separate file that gets loaded below: \slice \dice \warp \bf \bform \rh \rh2 Three effects are set up ready to go, reverb, comb delay and decimator. The two latter effects can be controlled with patterns: Pbindef(\e, \type, \set) controls Synth \echo on ~ebus (args: \delay, \decay, \amp) Pbindef(\m, \type, \set) controls Synth \mate on ~mbus (args: \rate, \bits, \amp) Ndef(\r) reverb node, listening to ~rbus Folders with drum(ish) hits, stereo or duplicated mono: "hitz01 soh hamburg iowaphil emf nl tw hitz02 hitz01a". hitz02 and hitz01a pre-ordered into simple 32 beat drum sequence. Functions: ~changebufs, ~listbufs, ~listloops, ~rrest, ~rdur Loops: a folder of roughly two-bar loops for slicing and/or granulating, mostly excerpts from old tv theme tunes. These get loaded twice, as stereo buffers and also as pairs of mono buffers. (Because that's the only way I could figure out how to granulate in stereo!?) */ (//setup Pdef.all.clear; Pdefn.all.clear; Ndef.all.clear; // not sure if this actually works? // quantize changes to even four beat bars Pbindef.defaultQuant_(4); Pdefn.defaultQuant_(4); s.waitForBoot{ var path, files; f = #["lcode07synths.scd"]; // load synths and fx from separate file f.do {|x| x.loadRelative}; s.sync; Buffer.freeAll; s.sync; // load loops path = "../sldiwaloops/".resolveRelative; files = (path ++ "*.aiff").pathMatch ++ (path ++ "*.aif").pathMatch; ~l = files.collect({ |i| Buffer.read(s, i)}); ~l2 = files.collect({ |i| 2.collect( {|c| Buffer.readChannel(s, i, channels: [c])}) }); s.sync; // load samples ~thebufs; ~changebufs = { |x="hitz01a"| if ( "hitz01 soh hamburg iowaphil emf nl tw hitz02 hitz01a".find(x) != nil, // checking the subfolder is correct { var path = "../bfsamples/".resolveRelative ++ x ++ "/"; var files = (path ++ "*.aiff").pathMatch ++ (path ++ "*.aif").pathMatch; files = files.sort; // get them in order of name, not modified date! // first, free all the buffers ~thebufs.do({|i| i.free}); // now, read the new files in ~thebufs = files.collect({ |i| Buffer.read(s, i)}); ~bufs = ~thebufs.collect(_.bufnum); ~listbufs.(); }, {"that's not a sample folder".error; nil}); }; ~changebufs.(); // can use this to change buffers between songs/sets ~listbufs = { ([~bufs] ++[~thebufs.collect(_.path).collect(_.asPathName).collect(_.fileName)]).flop.do(_.postln); nil }; ~listloops = { ([~l.collect(_.bufnum)]++[~l.collect(_.path).collect(_.asPathName).collect(_.fileName)]).flop.do(_.postln); nil }; // mixer node for final reverb ~rbus = Bus.audio(s, 2); Ndef(\r).put(0, { InFeedback.ar(~rbus, 2) }).fadeTime_(0.2).play; Ndef(\r).filter(1, { |x| JPverb.ar(x, t60:0.1, size:0.8)}).set(\wet1, 0.2); // fx setup ~ebus = Bus.audio(s, 2); ~e=Synth.tail(s, \echo, [in: ~ebus, delay:1/t.tempo/4, out: ~rbus]); // .tail? not sure why? Pbindef(\e, \type, \set, \id, ~e.nodeID, \args, #[\delay, \decay, \amp, \out], \out, ~rbus ).play; ~mbus = Bus.audio(s, 2); ~m=Synth(\mate, [in: ~mbus, out: ~rbus]); Pbindef(\m, \type, \set, \id, ~m.nodeID, \args, #[\rate, \bits, \amp], \amp, 0.8, \out, ~rbus ).play; s.sync; }; // rhythm function for isRest, ~rrest.() defaults to 8, or use ~r.(16), ~r.(7) etc // creates syncopated rhythms by concatenating two and three beat cells, always with a downbeat ~rrest = { |a=8| var rhythm; a=(a-1).mod(16); rhythm = if ( a>7, {({[[1,0,0], [1,0,1]].choose}!4 ++ [[1,0].dup.flatten]).scramble.flatten.collect(_.booleanValue.not) }, {({[[1,0,0], [1,0,1]].choose}!2 ++ [[1,0]]).scramble.flatten.collect(_.booleanValue.not) } ); rhythm=rhythm[0..a]; }; // rhythm function for dur, ~rdur.() defaults to 8, or use ~r.(16), ~r.(7) etc // uses the same function as above to work with durations instead of isRest ~rdur = { |b=8| var x; x = ~rrest.(b).collect(_.not.asInteger); x = x.indicesOfEqual(1).replace(0, x.size).rotate(-1).differentiate; }; t=TempoClock.default.tempo_(140/60); // a collection of jazz chords in dorian mode, make some sort of sense if played in order ~jz=[ [0,4,6,9], [0,4,5,9], [0,3,6,9], [0,3,4,8], [-1,3,4,8], [-1,2,4,8], [-1,2,5,8], [-1,2,5,7], [-1,2,4,7], [-2,2,4,7], [-2,1,4,7], [-3,0,3,6], [-3,1,2,6], [-3,1,3,6], [-3,2,3,6], [-2,2,3,6], [-1,2,3,7], [0,2,4,8], [0,3,5,8], [2,4,6,8], [3,4,6,9], [3,5,7,10] ]; nil; ) //////////// notes and examples ///////////////////////// // how to use the granulator, syntax for passing pairs of buffers (L&R) is a bit fiddly! x=Synth(\warp, [\buf, [~l2[7]], \rate, -0.05, \amp, 0.4]) x.setn(\buf, ~l2[3]) Pbindef(\w, \type, \set, \id, x.nodeID, \args, #[\buf, \rate, \freq, \amp]) Pbindef(\w, \dur, 1/2, \note, Pbrown(0,12,1)) Pbindef(\w).quant_(0).play Pbindef(\w, \buf, [~l2[2]]) Pbindef(\w, \amp, 0.4 * Pseries(25, -1, 26)/25) // fadeout, x still running // useful bits SynthDescLib.global.at(\mate) Pbindef(\w).asCompileString.newTextWindow // series of amplitude values for a basic snare pattern 2312.asBinaryDigits(16)/10 // a metronome Pbindef(\tmetro, \dur, 1, \legato, 0.01, \note, Pseq([36,30,30,30], inf), \amp, 0.5).play(t, quant:4) // very useful syntax, create a new random rhythm every four bars Pbindef(\z, \buf, Pn(Plazy({Pseq({~bufs.choose}!16,4)})))
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