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The Beasties

by henklass on 16 Jan'15 18:56 in science life simulator

A life simulator. Beasties are running across the screen, eating, finding a mate and eventually dying. Every event has its own sound.

reception: cool (1)awesome (1)


by henklass on 25 Aug'14 16:13 in arpeggio math kaprekars constant

Kaprekar Take any four-digit number except multiples of 1111. Sort the digits. Make numbers of the digits in ascending and in descending order. Repea

The quest for the prime numbers

by henklass on 11 Feb'13 17:59 in fm prime numbers

The search for prime numbers from 1 to 100 is represented by sound. Channel 1: the numbers, channel 0: the divisors. In the center: a fm-sound with a